Chapter 26

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A week goes by and I only know this because I have been using the mush they call apple sauce to smear on the wall as tally marks to keep up with the days. The only time I have any sort of human interaction is when the lunch tray is slid in through the slit under my door. Nick empties the pee bucket at night while I sleep. Breakfast usually consists of an apple or orange being rolled under the door and a water. Lunch is some kind of sandwich with chips or a cosmic brownie or something and milk. Dinner is apple sauce, and whatever is leftover from what they've eaten. Tonight it was spaghetti, cold spaghetti that fell into part of the apple sauce. Gross.
  When Nick comes to collect the tray I hold the slit open so he can't close it and ask, "Can I take a shower? Or see some daylight or something?"
"I'll think about it. " Nick pushes my hands away and shuts the tiny opening in the bottom of the door. 
Hours pass as I lay in bed staring at the ceiling and watching the little daylight turn to moonlight. Suddenly the door opens.
  "Let's go." He walks over unlocking my ankle and grabbing my arm.
"Do I get to shower?" I ask hopefully.
  "Yeah, I'll let you sit outside for a little bit or whatever just don't try anything or else you won't get any special treatment again.
Nick shows me to a bathroom that has no windows. He gives me a clean towel and clean clothes that must have come from my house.
"Thanks." I smile taking the items.
  "I'm gonna lock this door, I'll be back in 20 minutes. There's a toothbrush in there that's not opened yet feel free to use it. " Nick closes the door and I quickly undress and get in the hot shower. The steam feels good around me and I feel nice and clean. Before I know it I'm back in the room crying about how I'll never see anyone again, besides Nick. He told me he'd take me outside after breakfast so I could get some sunlight. Maybe Wander boy will save me.
  Nick brings me outside in the morning in the small backyard. I peek over into the bushes hoping Wander boy will be there. No luck. I'm laying in the grass soaking up the sun as I overhear a clattering from the inside.
"Dang it." Nick angrily says getting up from his watch guard seat. "Stay here." He orders.
I close my eyes and lay back down not really caring about what's going on, but then I think what if it's Wander boy? I quickly get up and follow Nick inside. The front door is wide open and the couch is tipped over. This could be my time to run, but he could find me again. I have to make a quick decision.
"I told you to stay outside. " Nick says coming up from behind me.
"I heard shouting I just wanted to make sure no one was dying." I shrug my shoulders. He thinks for a minute than agrees. He notices the front door is open and he curses under his breath storming down the hallway. I follow behind him with a hop in my step kinda excited for action after being trapped so long. He opens the door at the end of the hallway with a series of keys and opens the door. A bucket is knocked over with what I assume is pee all over the floor and the chain is broken from the bed.
"Not cool." Nick turns quickly grabbing my arm and picking me up throwing me over his shoulder.
"Hey what's the deal I can walk. I haven't tried escaping so what's your problem. " I pout. Nick doesn't reply to me just sits me in his van and jumps in starting the car.
"No funny business. " He groans.
I put my hands up in surrender. He speeds down the road taking random turns and looking everywhere.
"What are we looking for! This is like a game of Ispy." I giggle trying to turn this into something fun and ignore how he kidnaped me.
"Shut up Finn nows not the time. " He stops the car in the middle of an alleyway and jumps out, "Stay."
He locks the doors and runs down the road turning into the backyard of a house.
Minutes tick by and I'm sweating from the heat in this car. I reach over and turn the ignition on to rolls the windows down. What a stupid man, he leaves his hostage in a car with keys. He obviously isn't that concerned about me staying with him. There's a knock on my window and I look over to see blue hair everywhere.
"May!" I yell excitedly.
"Woah who ya with? Why'd you leave the house? What's going on? I miss you. Where's ya boyfriend? I have a problem!" She spits out quickly.
"I'm like sorta kidnaped by Nick, I can't find Sam anywhere. What's your problem?" I answer.
"You're telling me you're kidnaped but you're in a car with keys and your kidnaper is nowhere to be found. You're either stupid or you're stupid." May giggles.
"I know but where would I go anyway? He would just find me and hurt me more. I'm not trying to get shot again. " I huff.
"Yeah yeah." She shrugs, "Anyway, Wander boy is gone, he's gone. We got into a fight and now he won't talk to me." She cries throwing her hands up," He won't even let me back into the house." She looks down at her feet.
"So where are you staying?" I ask concerned.
"Everywhere." She motions around the earth.
"Find Wander boy, tell him to find Sam and come get me. I need your guys help if I'm ever going to leave. " I grab onto her hand.
"We can't find Sam though." She looks at me confused.
"Hey who are you talking to!" Nick says getting into the car, "I said no funny business."

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