Chapter 12

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Of course something has to come and mess up my chance of meeting wander boy. I can't seem to find May because she left me in the dust, so here I am wondering the forest not knowing where to go. She said something in her story about a river, I think? I feel bad that I've neglected my other friends but they don't get it. They just don't understand. I wish they would.
I hear water rushing in the distance and I sprint towards it hoping to find a river. As I head through the trees a small clearing opens up where a river rushes steadily and sparkles off the sunlight that has just recently poked out from the dark storm clouds. I climb over shrubs that lie across the forest floor and into the river. The cold water seeps through my pants and onto my legs making a chill run through my spine. I hurry through the river careful not to trip and fall into it and climb out on to the other side. Once I stand up again I look around while rubbing my ankles together trying to get warmth to them again.  I need to find wander boys house.
After walking straight for awhile I come to a house that looks abandoned and trashed. Graffiti covers the outside and weeds are overgrown over it. I decide that this could be a home to someone or something and possibly it could be wander boys. I step onto the creaky porch and look into the broken screen of the door. I don't see anyone but a lone rat that scurries across the table.
"What are you looking for?" Mays high pitched voice startled me.
"Well I was looking for you." I said picking at the peeling paint on the door.
"Oops sorry, hey come around back" May said turning and skipping towards the back of the house. I follow her behind the house and watch as she opens a door that looks like it leads to the underneath of the house. She opens it and I follow her inside. The smell of moss runs through my nose and I sneeze. We walk through a short hallway and out into a large sitting area. It looks way nicer than the upstairs seemed to look. There's three maroon couches sitting in the middle and a dim light shines through the house. In the corner there is a recliner chair where I spot wander boy sitting, his one rabbit ear bent and his hat falling against his dark eyebrows.
"Hello." He finally speaks.

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