Chapter 28

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  I'm using every bit of strength to drag Sam to the door that's left wide open. I can almost imagine the fresh air filling my lungs banishing the grey smoke from them. When I get Sam outside I'm coughing and crying and almost collapsing onto the ground next to him. I panic looking around for May and Wander boy. I can't find them.
"I'm sorry." I say kissing Sam on his unconscious head and running back inside.
My eyes are watering from the smoke and I'm coughing up a storm. The flames are a fiery red and orange around me. I'm running through the house checking every room trying to find my only friends. I circle back around to the living room with no luck. The ceiling is starting to cave in from all the heat. I quickly sprint to the front door and out as the ceiling caves in behind me. I fall down on the grass next to Sam and watch the house burn. Sirens echo through the streets as I sit and wait for a even a glimmer of Wander boy or May's magical blue hair. No luck.
The fire men show up accommodating a couple police officers. They take Sam in an ambulance to the hospital as I'm checked out and asked questions. I tell them about Nick and his plan and what he did.  People are writing things down and shaking their heads and saying things but it all sounds like background noise to me and I'm dizzy so dizzy.
"Hey snap out of it." May is next to me waving her hands in front of my face, "helloooooo earth to Finn. "
  "What?" I ask looking at her.  She points up at the nurse that was on one of the ambulances. She's talking to me but I can't hear her.
"I don't understand. " I tell her shaking my head.
"We're gonna take you to the hospital sweetie, to be checked out more okay?" She smiles sweetly at me helps me up. I look back at May and she's smiling at me, Wander boy is now sitting next to her and he has an eyebrow raised. He smirks as I smile at them and turn back around following the nurse lady onto the ambulance. I sit on the bed in the back of the ambulance as we pull away, I watch as my friends get smaller through the window and I wish they could have came along.
"We're gonna give you some medicine to help with any smoke or debris that got into your lungs okay." The nurse lady says. I read her name tag. 'Jackie'. I nod and take the pills they hand me. They make me sleepy. I let my eyes close and I drift off into sleep.
~ ~ ~ ~
  You're different
    It rings throughout my head.
Everything's dark but it sounds like the words are bouncing off walls and around my brain.
You're different.
~ ~ ~ ~
I'm in a hospital bed and the room is dark. The only light coming in is through the open door in the hallway in front of me. I hear beeping sounds and my arm is hooked up to an iv pump. I wonder where Sam is and how he's doing. What will happen after this? Will I go back to living at Wander boys house?
I wait and watch the hallway light hoping to see someone, finally a glint of blue hair and stupid rabbit ears. I excitedly sit up.
"Guys! How'd you get here! I missed you. " I smile as they walk in and stand on the left side of my bed.
May grabs my hand, "How are you feeling?" She asks me.
"Oh I'm fine, just worried. I don't know what happens after this." I offer a smile.
"You're tough you'll figure it out. " Wander boy  winks.
  "I'll have your guys help so it won't be that bad I guess." I smile at my friends.
They uncomfortably look at eachother, "Finn, we can't stay any longer." She tells me.
  "What do you mean?" I look between the two.
  "The adventure is over. You don't need us anymore. " May squeezes my hand.
"I don't understand. " I say as tears well up in my eyes.
"Do you remember when we were little? I'd always look out for you cause you were clumsy and had no friends. Then when you really needed me I came back. That's when me and you found Liam remember." She smiles at Wander boy and he rolls his eyes remembering how we practically stalked him.
  "We were here when you needed us now we must go." She brushes a strand of hair off my face.
  "What if I need you again?" I ask trying not to cry.
  "Then we will come back!" She says happily.
  "Oh how exciting. " Wander boy laughs.
"Shut it." I smile at him. " Where are you going? " I ask them.
"Can't really say." May shrugs.
"We gotta go. " Wander boy tugs at Mays arm.
"It was a pleasure being your friend and adventuring with you. I will be back, unless this one doesn't let me. " She motions to Wander boy.
"I'll miss teasing ya. Hey, don't come looking for us. We won't be at the house or anywhere you'd think to look. " Wander boy smiles, "Best of luck in ya new adventures. Try not to get yourself shot again. " He laughs a genuine laugh.
"I'll miss you guys." I say crying a little.
"Only babies cry." Wander boy raises an eyebrow.
I punch him in the arm and hug May. I tell them goodbye as they leave my room. But it's not a goodbye, it's a see you later.
I cry myself to sleep and when I wake up my mom and the doctor are in my room.

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