Story 35 One Way Love (Brohm)

Start from the beginning

"T... T... That's great man..." Bryce said quietly holding back the tears. 'No no no no no this can't be real..' Bryce though as Ohm's phone rang. Ohm picked his phone up from the coffee table and smiled as to who it was. HER.

"Hey baby!" Ohm answered with a face flushed and a goofy grin plastered on as well. 'He really likes her...' Bryce thought as he stood up and started walking to the door.

"Ima gunna go... bye Ohm..." Bryce said softly as hot tears started forming in his eyes. Ohm didn't answer Bryce so Bryce left, heartbroken.

It's been almost three months since the last time Bryce talked to Ohm. Yesterday Bryce just couldn't bring himself to attempt to text or call but today was an opportunity thrown at both Bryce and Ohm.

Bryce was at Walmart doing his weekly shopping and while looking for some avocados he noticed something, more like someone in the corner of his eye. It was Ohm and his... girlfriend. 'Should I say hi?' Bryce questioned himself. Bryce smiled and walked towards Ohm slowly and cautiously. When Bryce got close enough the herd the two whispering back and forth.

"Ohmy? There's a strange boy coming closer..." I girl said with a confused and scared voice. Without looking Ohm replied.

"Just ignore him Katie, he'll eventually go away." Ohm said as Bryce frowned and let out a low growl. Bryce was pissed now. Bryce threw down his basket on the hard linoleum floor, stuff Bryce needs goes flying everywhere. After throwing his stuff down he has the attention of both Ohm and the girlfriend KatieBryce yelled at the top of his lungs.


Bryce walked out of the store as fast as his legs could carry him, all the way to his car and drove off pissed at the world.

The next few days were complete hell for Bryce, he quit eating, he started cutting that delicately beautiful skin of his, what for you ask? Katie. Bryce was going through hell because Katie is tormenting him, Katie somehow found out about Bryce's feelings for her now fiancé and hasn't left him alone since and the worst part out of this whole fiasco is that Ohm is completely clueless.

It's been seven months since Bryce's last shopping trip and his last meal. It's been seven months of pure pain for Bryce. While Bryce laid on his living room floor his thoughts ran wildly in his head all leading to his end. Suicide. Then his thoughts were cut short by the ding of his phone. A text.

Ass😭🖕🏻: Bryce im sorry... and to make it up to you I want you to be my best man! Please? I'm sorry...

Bryce smiled a smile that he haven't done in a long time and replied.

😎BryceMcweed: Just because I'm saying yes doesn't I'm not still mad!

Bryce put his phone on the coffee table in front of him and frowned. 'Why did I do that!' Bryce thought before running both of his hands through his hair and pulling lightly.

"Well I can't decline now..." Bryce said aloud while throwing himself on his couch.

A couple of months later on the day of the wedding Bryce felt more and more confident about his decision on accepting the invitation. Bryce has seen some friends that he haven't see in a long time and that made him feel his heart grow back a little bit. Bryce was walking around looking for his buddy Delirious when he herd a women's laugh come from just a little bit in front of him. It sounded familiar to him but he couldn't quite place his finger on it. As Bryce kept walking further and further down the pathway he could finally make out clearly who the voice was. Katie and another man. Bryce's eyes widened at the sight of Katie with her wedding dress on and arms wrapped around another mans neck.

"What happens if we get caught?" Asked the man.

"Nothing because we aren't gonna get caught, I do this all the time. I ounce banged a guy in our living room while he slept. That retard has no idea!" Katie said as the man had a shocked look on his face as he responded.

"Damn girl, that's hot! But one question before we get this show on the road. Why marry him if you've been cheating on him since the vary beginning?" 'That is a good question dude!' Bryce thought as he waited for the bitches answer.

"Because he's filthy rich!" Katie yelled as Bryce was to shocked to notice Ohm walking towards him.

"Hey Bryce! Whatcha doin?" Asked Ohm. 'I've gotta tell him!' Bryce thought as he pulled Ohm over to the side.

"Ohm we need to talk!" Bryce said quickly as Ohm nodded his head in approval. Bryce held both his hands on Ohms broad shoulders holding him in place body and eyes.

"Katie is cheating on you!" Bryce said in his normal voice but with a lot of confidence. Ohm shoved Bryce away causing Bryce to fall on his ass.

"YOUR LYING!" Ohm yelled at Bryce as Bryce stood up quickly and walked back over to Ohm.

"No I'm not lying!" Bryce said, voice getting a little louder. The next thing that happened neither of them expected. Ohm brought back his right fist and punched Bryce hard in the face. Bryce fell to the floor in pain and shock, but mostly pain.

"Bryce I didn't mean..." Ohm started to walk towards Bryce but Bryce got up and ran away. Tears streaming down his cheeks.

Bryce just ran, not carrying where he went but he knew one thing that should fix all this... Bryce knew where he was gunna go from here. The tallest bridge he knew of that was around here. Bryce ran as fast as he could to his new destination. Death. When Bryce reached the bridge he climbed to the top and stood there looking down, not holding onto anything. Bryce out stretched his arms and spread his legs letting the cold cooling air run all over his body forcefully. Bryce stood there for what seamed like forever until his pocket vibrated. Bryce pulled out his phone and looked to see a text from the one and only. Ohmwrecker.

☠️DeathOfMe: I sorry Bryce!

😎BryceMcweed: so am I... I've always loved your laugh, your bright smile, you body, your humor, your bunny eared mask, and the face that I'll never be able to see again. Before I end it all I need you to promise me that you will never forget about me again? You meant so much to me but then you completely forgot about me because of your girlfriend Katie. Oh tell her your welcome for me by the way, she's know that I've liked you for MONTHS and she'd always tell me to kill myself already so I just thought that since your marring her you could tell her thank you for tormenting me for sooo FUCKING long! love yours truly Bryce❤️

Bryce pressed send and set down his phone on the railing that he was still balancing his tiny body on. Bryce looked down at the fast moving waters below and felt calm and peaceful for once. He jumped. Falling through the air made him feel alive. The most alive he's ever felt in Forever. Bryce watched as the water became closer and closer himself.


Everything went black.

At that moment it was silent, no crickets, no birds, not even the sound of the fast moving water from below could be heard, it was all silent for those couple minutes until a little ding could be heard coming from Bryce's phone. The screen flash a bright luminescent white. It was a text from Ohm that read these simple words.

☠️DeathOfMe: I love you too

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