32. I'm not on my own

Start from the beginning

*Fishleg* - F-fine.

- Get used to the dragon. We are not even half way. - He looked pale, but I didn't care. - By the way, I wanted to introduce you to these two: It's Heather and Eret.

*Eret* - Hello! And this beauty here is Blade.

*Heather* - Nice to meet you! Windshear say hello to him.

The dragon said(?) something to him as her rider patted her(?) neck.

*Eret* - As I heard you are good at dragons. Currently I'm the leader of the researcher team too, so we may meet a lot later.

*Fishleg* - Researcher team?

*Eret* - Aye! Most of the riders not really into to the books, they prefer action... but I'd like to learn what they can do. - He took out a little note book. - If you wish I can lend you my notes. It's just a small reminder in case I forget how to handle few species, in this there're only their class, stats and how to train them.

Fishleg accepted the book and like a little kid who just got a bag of candy his eyes shined. For first he searched for the dragon he was sitting on, and than Windshear, since these two was unknown for us.

Hehe. Our chit-chat was interrupted by an annoyed nightfury's screech and an angry voice. The two "older" rider sighed.

Soon the mentioned ones appeared, from below with a spun they flew above us than joined to our little group at the end.

*Eret* - Have you finished?

*Hiccup* - More or less. I hate collecting mission reports. I see you get to know our new riders. - I looked at him, the way Fishleg did. He looked at us like he knows everything, and it looked like it's not time for the talking. I've just realized Heather was looking at Hiccup as we did. "Now why did you do that" type of look. She peeked at Fishleg than back to him, and he only earnt an evil smile. Now Heather blushed. Hm. Whatever.

- Have you taken care of your wound?

*Hiccup* - It's not that bad.

*Heather* - What?! Let the healers decide about that! Why you hate so much visiting them?!!!

*Eret* - I'll help to catch him. Come on Heather!

*Hiccup* - It's okay! Really! Toothless would have thrown me off if it would be still bleeding!

- FOR THE LOVE OF GOD HICCUP, YOU'VE DEFLECTED A FREAKING AXE WITH YOUR BACK! Could you take it seriously?! Because it freaked me out!

*Heather&Eret* - WHAT.

They looked at me speechless.

*Heather* - Lie down. Now.

He didn't dare to go against her, he lay down on his stomach on Toothless back, Heather jump on Toothless, and removed the cloak. With sigh she started to clean it up.

*Eret* - Hiccup? Really?

*Heather* - I'm not surprised because I've just read his diary.

*Eret* - I should have known how you knew where he went. So dear Hiccup. What's your full name? As I think about it I didn't heard your original name.

- How?

*Eret* - Many of us changed their names because they wanted to start a new life, and it's a great start if we do. I personally didn't use this opportunity but here nobody judge anyone. So what's your name?

*Hiccup* - ....I have no other choice, right? I'm Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III. 

*Heather* - The son of the chief.

*Eret* - Who tried to kill him? Wow. That's fucked up.

*Heather* - Nah. He doesn't even know he is alive. 

*Eret* - Oh. So you ran away? BUT DUDE! I never believed in fate, but you were born to be a chief, and you ended up one anyways? Lucky!

*Heather* - Now I understand why you helped me with my brother. You didn't get on well with your parents, did you?

*Hiccup* - I wasn't planning to tell anyone, it would just cause them more trouble if the world learns that I'm from Berk.

*Eret* - They would blame them. Yeah. I understand. So basically you guys knew them before he ran away? That's cool.

I looked at Fishleg, he wanted to bury himself too.

- Umm... yeah. We can say that.

*Hiccup* - Don't mind it. The past remains past. Now it's a whole new life is ahead, both of you. Fancy changing your names?

*Fishleg* - What are you called?

*Hiccup* - Me? Mostly Night, but I listen to more names. - He laughed nervously. - Many name stack on me. 

*Fishleg* - I think I'm fine like this.

*Astrid* - Me too.

*Heather* - Or maybe someone sticks a great nickname on you. Many of us has. Night, stop moving already! I know it stings, but still!

(A/N I skipped the learning part today and wrote this. ... but since it's done here you go...
And when I wasn't writing this I was hyped by the UnderVirus au :3 ohh myyyy. I love the concept. Yap. And now I have an idea for a new au, and oohh my... i'm helpless. I still must learnt today thou... y.y why do i have fangirl mode on when I suppose to do something else?????? XD And I still have problems with the names, since I didn't watch the httyd in english... XD)

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