Sensei's Birthday

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Luka's POV

~ Time skip, 2nd week of May ~

This past few weeks, I've been a little bit bored yet busy and I've been missing him so much :( I made all my books for and even the books Sensei bought me last Christmas Party so I can gain money to buy Sensei a gift, cause Mom won't let me apply for a summer job. But it wasn't enough, I mean ₽5.00 per day. -.-

I also went to a pawnshop and tried to know the value of the pearl earrings Sensei gave me. But when the lady told me that the price would reach 2K per pearl, she said I should pawn it. I ABSOLUTELY SAID NO!!! THOSE EARRINGS ARE IMPORTANT TO ME BECAUSE THEY'RE FROM SENSEI! AND I'll be using them for my future wedding <3. I was really shock when the lady told me that they are original! I thought Sensei was just joking... Then the lady asked me where I got it. I said I got it from my boyfriend.



I shamelessly went back home and I finally decided to break my piggy bank. :(

" Mom do you have a hammer? " I asked her. " At your Daddy's tool box, why? " She then asked me. " I'll be smashing my head for being stupid. " I told her and she laughed. When I got the hammer I said a few words before I broke my piggy bank. " I'm sorry, but piggy banks are meant to be broken. " I said and finally smashed it. I started counting and it reached 3k. I was so happy! I have extra money for a coffee break!!! :3

I then went to the mall with my childhood friend, UNI. She was 2 years younger than me and she was also Gakupo Sensei's students. She's also a member of the Drum and Lyre Corps and I'm the one teaching them and her friends. She also knew I love Sensei, and so does her friends. And they support me too. XD

" So what are you planning to buy for Sensei? " UNI asked me. " Perfumes... " I said and she looked at me dumbfounded. " Why? " She asked me again. " I just know he loves perfumes. It's so obvious. " I said while sipping my coffee... Coffee makes me feel refresh. Then it calms and soothes my nerves.

" Oh yeah! Whenever he passes by we can smell his fragrance. " She told me and I just chuckled. " That's one of the many ways I can feel that his coming. " I told her. " You have a strong sense of smell anyway. " UNI told me and I just laughed. " And also when I hear his keyholder hanging on his belt jingling. " I said with a chuckle.

" OMG YAS! Like we were in the canteen buying ourselves some foods, then we heard a jingling sound and everyone in our way started moving sideways! Then when we turned around and wondered why the students started moving out, we saw Gakupo Sensei getting his wallet on his pocket. Then he asked us why the students left when he arrived. " She said while trying to stop her laugh, I can't stop laughing as well. Because we all know Gakupo Sensei's one of the most terrifying teachers in our school, not just because he looks like a dragon ready to burn our butts out when his angry, he also looks like the devil ready to put a red mark on you card. ( AN: PEACE GAKUPO SENSEI! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH. HUHUHUHU )

" Then what did you said? " I asked her. " Nothing. We just raised our shoulders at him then he laughed and said, ' Maybe they thought I was that chain rattling ghost. ' " She told me and I laughed at that. " Gakupo Sensei might be terrifying at first. But if you'll know him very well, you can see his kind and loving side. " I told her and she smirked at me. " Yeah. Like to you. " She said and I just stepped on her foot.

~ Time skip, after the coffee break ~

We all visited and checked all of the perfume shops at the mall, while having a chitchat. I laughed really hard when she told me that Gakupo Sensei caught her reading a pocket book while he was having a class. She was so shock when she raised her head and saw Gakupo Sensei glaring at her, then Gakupo Sensei took her pocket book and threw it out of the window and told her ' this isn't English class. ' HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

Forbidden yet Sweet ( A vocaloid fanfic ) ( Gakupo Kamui X Luka Megurine )Where stories live. Discover now