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Luka's POV

I was a little bit sad because Mom and Dad left for a business seminar something like that. My brother's also busy at work. But I'm also happy cause my Mom let my friends stay with me at home while they're gone. I just started getting ready, feed Riri, and bring some extra clothes for laters Summer Festival. -3-

They rescheduled the Summer Festival for us to have a longer summer vacation. So this past few weeks, we've been practicing like half a day. -___- Afternoon is the Graduation, and Evening is the Summer Festival. Urg. At least I'm graduating peacefully and no one's stopping me. ^^

This is the day! Another day nearer towards my future~! Woah! Big word! I went to school, together with my dear husband of course. As usual~ And he's my future~

" Your Mom texted me. " Sensei told me. " What did she said? " I asked him. " She said she'll be catching up on your graduation, and after your graduation she'll be going back to work. " Gakupo Sensei told me. " Really!? " I asked him happily. " Yep. Your mom really loves you so much. " Gakupo Sensei said and just chuckled. " She might be able to watch you perform as well... " Gakupo Sensei said. I was happy when he said that.

When we arrived at school we waited for the others. And talk random stuffs. XD We always do that when were alone. He told me everything that happened when they had a vacation last week... I remember when he bought me a keychain as a souvenir. :) And that was the time I finally realized I love him...

He told me that the female teachers made him, Kiyoteru Sensei, Sekihan Sensei and the other male teachers as they're personal body guard or butler. Because they carry most of the stuffs. And he also told me that he accidentally left a bag at the bus so he went the whole way back to get it. HAHAHAHA. He also told me that he hates dealing with old teachers because they're so bossy and moody. LOL And he also told me that he hadn't had his own personal space because a lot of eyes are watching him most of the time, yet Sekihan Sensei and him almost lost their way home because they were left behind. He was pretty exaggerated when he was telling me that, I can't stop laughing.

He told me that Sekihan Sensei had enough and wanted to go home so he did. HAHAHAHA " Rest In Peace, my fallen comrade. " As what he said. HAHAHAHA. And the funniest part was—

" That moment you can't say awe or even react on something because they'll all shush you up! " Gakupo Sensei said with a glare and I just laughed at him. " I was in the bus together with Sachiko Sensei, then I saw a colorful peacock! Then I said ' WOW! ' Then they all said ' Shhhhh!!! ' at me! " Gakupo Sensei said and I laughed really hard again. " What did I do!? I asked myself, then I just shut my mouth up. Its really unfair! " Sensei said. Man I can't stop laughing, he's like a kid.

" And this! They saw a horse! A dyed horse, it was color pink! Then they said ' Wow, Oh, etc. ' with a punch, slap or push at me. And then I shushed them all! And do you know what happened? " Gakupo Sensei said and asked me. " What? " I asked him. " They all became angry at me! They didn't talk to me for an hour! They said I don't have manners and respect! " Gakupo Sensei said angrily and I laughed at him.

" And they only talk to me when they want me to carry their stuffs for them. But then I ignored, you know what happened? " Gakupo Sensei asked me again and I just laughed. " They became mad at you. " I answered. " Exactly! " He said with a groan. " And they told me I'm not a gentleman, I'm too lazy, I'm useless, things like that! " Gakupo Sensei said and I laughed again. " Don't worry Sensei, I believe in you. " I said with a laugh and he just sighed in disappointment. " At least you had fun. " I told him and he just smiled. " Yeah. Yet not that kind of fun that I was expecting! " Gakupo Sensei said and I laughed again, we both shut up when Sachiko Sensei passed by...

Forbidden yet Sweet ( A vocaloid fanfic ) ( Gakupo Kamui X Luka Megurine )Where stories live. Discover now