Christmas Party~! <3 ( Part 1 )

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Luka's POV

December 15. It was morning, maybe around 6:25 or something. I was walking until I saw him at the covered walk. I began too slower my pace so I can maybe... Stalk him a little bit. But I failed, He noticed me. -.- ' Tch. ' I told myself. And pretended I didn't know he was there. " Good Morning Luka... " He said.

" Oh. Good Morning Sensei! I didn't see you there... " I said with a warm fake smile. I still hate you for lying yesterday! I was shock to see him carrying a gift. Is that for me? It looks so huge... O___O I just hid my gift for him. " Hahaha. You look very beautiful today Luka~ " He said. Woah? Should I be taking that as a compliment or an insult? I smiled at him. " YOU LIER! " I said. He glared at me playfully. " Hahaha. I should be, don't I have a right to be beautiful? " I said laughing. And He laughed back. And I began walking and leaving him behind... I still hate him. -.-

But still-... He really did look stunning today. Well for me and my eyes at least... And he smells so goooooodddd!!!! XD

I keep on walking, And I felt someone was following me behind. And I know it was him. So I didn't turn my back. Because I was too shy... :') AND I STILL HATE HIM! -.-

The campus today looks... I dunno. But I do appreciate the white tires that resembles a snowman. Hahaha. And the quadrangle has reindeers already! Well not an actual reindeer, Just reindeers made of bottles, bamboos and sticks.. Cool right!? And also with Christmas Lights! How can Christmas Lights be useful during mornings and afternoons, Huh? Handy. -___-

So I continued walking... I could feel he was already close, So I went to the canteen I decided to stay for a while. A smile was starting to form from my mouth while I saw him walking straight to where I was sitting. And maybe he noticed me smiling at him so that's why he smiled at me.

" Luka... " He said approaching me.

" Gakupo Sensei... " I responded.

And when he finally arrived. He took a sit right in front of me. I feel like my bloods running to my cheeks! I can't be blushing! Nahhh... No need to worry, He won't notice it anyway. I still hate him! -.-

" How are you Luka? " He asked me. " Fine thank you, Why'd you asked? " I replied and asked him. ' I'm perfectly fine when you are with me Sensei.. ' I said to myself smiling.

" Hmmm... You look so stunning... Dark colored clothes really fits you... " He said. And I looked at him, My eyes wide open. " Pssshh... " I said placing my cellphone at the table. And I look straightly at him. He look back at me as well. ' Why do I feel like an awkward atmosphere is starting to form between us? Hmmm... I need to open up a topic! ' I told myself and turned my head away from him...

And I looked back at him again, Until I heard- " Sensei. " said by a familiar voice. I took a quick blank stare at where the voice came from. " Here's the key to the classroom... " Sensei said, I turned my head to look at him. The kid went to Gakupo Sensei a took the key. As I remember he's, Luo's so-called Bestfriend.

' At last! A topic! ' I said to myself. Looking at the boy. He looked at me and I glared at him. And he started walking away. " Sensei about that kid... " I said to Gakupo Sensei and he laughed. " Nah~ He's a little bit... Unstable if you ask me. HAHAHAHA " Gakupo Sensei said to me. ' Ohhh...~ His starting to open up...~♥ ' I said to myself.

" Oh? " Was all I managed to say. " Yeah, I really hate his attitude sometimes. " He said looking at me smiling a bit. " HAHAHAHA. Oh well kids can be cruel sometimes. " I said and he laughed. ' He's laughter is the best music to my ears. ' I said to myself.. WHY CANT I STOP DAY DREAMING!?

" I heard on the new yesterday, I heard there's gonna be a typhoon? " I asked him. " Ahh... Yeah, I heard about it as well. " He said to me.

" The rain yesterday was intense. " He said. And I just nod. YEAH! INTENSE INDEED! -.- " Hahaha. If there is indeed a typhoon today, I prefer wearing shorts and slippers! Hahahaha! " He said laughing. Oh~ Love this music so much! xD

Forbidden yet Sweet ( A vocaloid fanfic ) ( Gakupo Kamui X Luka Megurine )Where stories live. Discover now