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Luka's POV

It was already a week since Gakupo Sensei and I started avoiding each other... These past few weeks I've been crying and thinking how hard it is to survive a day without talking to Gakupo Sensei... Because I can't even imagine seeing the school without him... I went to school early again... And I saw Gakupo Sensei talking to a girl. Same age as him maybe... I just glanced at them and continued on walking.

" Luka! " I heard someone called me... It was Gakupo Sensei, my eyes widen when I saw him looking at me... He went to me. " Ga-Gakupo Sensei... " I slowly said. He smiled at me... Like nothing happened. " Can you open my classroom? This is the key to it... I have something important to talk about with someone. " He said and smiled. " Okay. " I said with a smile. And left.

He only talks to me when he needs me. But I don't know why I can't just stand a day without seeing him or even say hi or hello to him. Feel so weak when he doesn't notice my presence... I want him to acknowledge me...

I arrived at his classroom and I opened it. I opened the windows and left his key at his table... I turned the lights on and also opened the back door... I was about to go out until- " You're going already? I noticed we haven't been talking for a while Luka... Is something bothering you? Is it me that is bothering you? " He asked me. My eyes widen but still I didn't look at him.

" Umm... I...I'm just a little bit sick... That's all... " I said with a faint smile. Why do I feel like I wanna run away? Why do my legs and hands tremble? My eyes sting? " Are you alright Luka? " He asked again and went near me. " Hey. Luka. " He said and took my hand. " You're trembling. Are you sure you're, okay? " He said and I took my hand from him. " No I'm not fine. Why? Is there something you could do to make me feel alright? Nothing. So why bother. I'm nothing to you anyway. " I said and went out of his room.

" Luka! " He yelled but I didn't bother to look. " Luka! " He yelled again my tear started to drop, I just wiped it away. " Ms. Megurine! " He yelled... I stopped running cause I know he's mad. I was suddenly pulled into a hug... A warm and comfortable hug... Gakupo Sensei hugged me... I just tightly closed my eyes and let the tears fall. I don't care anymore... I hugged him back really tight.

" Luka... " I heard him said... His voice was a little bit shaky. Is he crying? " Gakupo... Sensei... " I said slowly. We're outside his classroom, at the corridor. But there were no students yet, because it's still too early... I slowly let him go and I looked at his eyes... His teary eyes... " Uhhh.. Sensei.. Why are you- " I asked him but he stopped me. " I just want the real Luka back... " He said and he cupped my face and dried my tears. " R-Real Luka? " I asked him and Gakupo Sensei said, " Yes... The real Luka who doesn't run away from me, the real Luka that truly believes in me, the Luka that smiles at me every time she sees me, the Luka that I knew... " Gakupo Sensei told me. O___O

" Uhh... " Was the only sound that escaped from my mouth... And finally the bell ring. " I... I need to go now... Sensei... " I said and finally left... I ran as fast I could away from Gakupo Sensei even if I know he wasn't chasing me. A tear fall from my eyes and I suddenly bump on Luki...

" Luka... " He said and I saw him look at Sensei... " Hmmm... You better go to class. " Luki said with a warm smile. I dried my tears up and smiled at him. And I started going to my homeroom like nothing happened.

Luki's POV

I passed by Gakupo Sensei... He was still staring at Luka... " Good morning, Gakupo Sensei... How's your day? " I asked him with a fake smile. " It's fine Luki... How about yours? " He told me with a smile... I wonder what kind of smile is that. " Totally fine as well Sensei... " I said and smiled again. " Okay. Hahaha.. If you excuse me... I better go, my students are waiting... " He said with a chuckle and walked away... I wonder what happened. I saw them hugging earlier...

Gakupo Sensei's POV

It's been a week since she was avoiding me... Her smiles, they were different. I went to my classroom. " Good morning Gakupo Sensei... " The student greeted me. " Good Morning class. " I said and went to my table. And I saw a paper. " The evaluation? " I asked. " Yes Sensei... It was given by the working student earlier... " Said by one of my students. And I started reading it... It was from 150 different students from last year... So it means, I might able to know what they think of me last year. I really hope Luka's comment can be found here...

Some comments are positive...
' Hey Gakupo Sensei! You're so awesome! ' ' Keep up a good work Sensei! ' ' You're funny! I love the way you teach! ' ' Best teacher ever!!!! ' ' You're my favorite teacher Sensei! We love you! '  ' Great as ever! Good job ' ' You're great at singing Sensei! I love your voice... ' ' Thank you Sir..'

And some are negative...
' You're just a teacher! You're not a hero! ' ' Idiot. Why do you keep on interfering!? Mind your own business! ' ' You're too strict. I hate you. ' ' I hope you're gone! ' ' No one will ever like you! ' '  You know nothing ' ' _/_  Just die. '

I admit... To see and read those comments really hurts... There's no denying it... Until I saw the longest comment I ever saw... At number 99.. And it saids...

' Hey Gakupo Sensei!!! OMG! Sorry I wasn't able to say this to you so that's why I only wrote it... I hope you can read this.. Or I hope you won't as well because I'm too shy... Hmmm... Sensei... First of all I wanted to thank you for everything and for supporting me... Thank you for trusting me fully... For showing me that I can be useful at times, haha. Thank you for transferring me to your section, for understanding me even I'm just an adopted student of yours hahaha. Sensei... You're the best! Always remember that you are loved and cared by all of us... Thank you so much!! '

I chuckled slightly because I know who commented this... By what the letter said... It has " Thank you for letting me transfer to your section. I'm just an adopted student. " 

Yep... Now I know who it was from. It was from Luka... Because last year she was from another Section. But then she transferred to Section D which was my advisory... The reason she transferred was because of her friends... And she was the student I trust the most... Hahaha I can't wait to show this to her...

Luka's POV

I was walking at the hallway until I saw my friends inside Gakupo Sensei's room... They we're laughing... Even Gakupo Sensei... I really miss hearing him laugh... " I wanted to see Luka. Where is she? " I heard him said. " Sensei?  " I said with curiosity. " Take a look at this... Number 99... " Gakupo Sensei said showing to me the paper. " Is this an evaluation? " I asked him and he chuckled " Just take a look. "  He said with a smile. My eyes widen when I saw the number 99 comment... It was the longest comment I ever saw in the entire paper!

" No... Way... " I said and my friends laugh. " Hahahah! You can't be kidding me Luka!? You really thought Sensei wouldn't know it was you!? It was totally obvious it was you! " I heard Nero said. " Yeah.. Like who else is our adopted classmate? " Miku asked me. " Hey! Lily and I transfer from our old Section to Section D! " I said defending myself. " Deny more Luka. My name was at the Section List. But yours we're just handwritten by Gakupo Sensei. " Lily said and they all laughed.

" Hahaha don't worry... It's not bothersome to write Luka's name when making the grading sheets... " Gakupo Sensei said with a smile... " Aww... Thank you, Gakupo Sensei.. " I said happily... And my eyes widen. It's been a week since I haven't talk to him like this... Talk to him like we used too... I saw his eyes widen... And a small smile form on his face... " You're welcome Luka... " Gakupo Sensei said with a smile... The smile that I miss these past few days...


Published: April 10, 2016
Edited: May 17, 2017

Forbidden yet Sweet ( A vocaloid fanfic ) ( Gakupo Kamui X Luka Megurine )Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora