The school festival ( Part 5 )

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Luka's POV

It was already 8:00 AM, I'm waiting under the mango tree. " Luka! " I heard a familiar voice. " IA! " I responded to her. " Let's go!!! " She said excitedly and started dragging me. We went to the Music room, " Did scaring slept here last night? " I asked IA. " Nope. " IA answered me. " Where's Sensei? " I asked her again. " He said he had a panel to attend to, he'll with us at the Horror Booth. " IA said and I just nod. Until the others finally arrived. " Let's go? " Yohioloid asked and we all nod.

~ At the Horror Booth ~

We can hear some people screaming inside. Even the boys. We went to the baggage area and left our bags there. And we waited for minutes until it's our turn to go inside the booth. " OMG... " Miku whispered. " I'm so excited! " Gumi said and I chuckled at her. " Yohioloid? " Rin said and we all looked at Yohioloid. " Don't look at me like that! " Yohioloid said and we just laughed at him. " Prove to us your a man! " Shion said to him while tapping his back. " Yeah! " Nero said. " Where's Ted, Lily and Luki? " Len asked us. " Ted said he's not going. " IA told us, " Lily? Maybe still regaining her energy after her game yesterday... " I told Len, " And Luki's been missing since yesterday. " Miku said and Len just nod.

" Welcome students! " Said by the girl waiting outside the entrance. " Hello~! " We all said to her in unison and she nod and smiled. " Okay, I'll be having your tickets please? " She said and we all handed our tickets to her. " Thank you! So let me tell you the rules inside the Horror Booth. Only Maximum of 10 people are allowed inside. " She said and we heard Yohioloid sighed in relief. " No cellphones, flashlight or any source of light are allowed inside. " She said and we were all surprise to see a bunch of girls went out of the entrance. " Is it really that scary? " IA asked me, I just gulped. " Relax... The characters inside are the student councils. " The girl said to us and we all looked at Nero. " Hey! Doesn't mean I'm a student council, I should be scaring the sh*ts out of people too! "Nero told us and the girl chuckled.

" You are not allowed to hurt or curse at the characters inside, understand? " She continued and we all looked at IA. " WHAT!? " IA yelled in annoyance. " You are not also allowed to run anywhere, It's too dark and you might get hurt... " She said and they all looked at me, I just sighed. " And when you lost something inside. Immediately report it to the ' Lost and Found ' located at the exit. Understand? " She asked us and we all nod.

" Oh are you all sure you don't have those heart prob- " She continued but we cut her off " NONE! " We all said and unison and we all went inside. " I have asthma. " Gumi said. " Shhhh... " We all shushed her. " You know you can't enter if you said you have those health problems, right? " Rin told her and she just zipped her mouth.

The place was dark only a small red and green lightbulbs are the source of light here, I can barely see anything. And the whole place is filled with fake webs made in cotton, there were dried leaves anywhere that filled the scent of the whole room.

Yohioloid was in front of us, Nero, Len and Shion are at the back, I can feel Miku and IA squeezing me. RIn and Gumi are hugging each other, I'm just pulling Yohioloid's cloth so we don't get lost. He's braver now to be honest. Until we already heard that scary background music! We all started panicking when we all felt someone pulling and touching our feet! " NO! LET ME GO! " I can hear IA yelling while kicking. " The F is wrong with you!? " Miku yelled in annoyance and keep on thrashing! " Get your filthy hands off me! " I heard Nero, I can't help myself not to laugh. A student council, yelling at his fellow student council.

Rin and Gumi just didn't mind the monsters pulling their foot instead their holding their own rosary and started showing it to the monsters... " Like guys! They're not demons! " I told them but they kept on doing it.  " Psalms 23, The Lord is my shepherd I shall not be in want... " I heard Nero reciting. " Great Nero, great job. " I said with a blank face. Shion, Len and Yohioloid starting pulling IA and Miku off the monsters. " Stand your grounds! Stay wherever you are! " Shion said, and I went to Gumi, Rin and Nero. " Nero! Go help Shion and Yohioloid! " I told him and he went to help the boys.

Forbidden yet Sweet ( A vocaloid fanfic ) ( Gakupo Kamui X Luka Megurine )Where stories live. Discover now