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Luka's POV

We all looked at Sensei curiously but then he stood up and walk away from us. " What's wrong with him? " Luki asked us. " Do guys have periods? " IA asked and I just glared at her. " Well he's been thinking a little bit too much lately... Let's just give him some space. " I told them emotionlessly, yet I'm so worried about him right now...

When we were finished with our makeups and stuffs we started searching for Sensei. We became really worried so I started calling him.

Gakupo Sensei: Hello?
Me: Where are you!?
Gakupo Sensei: At the music room? Why?
Me: We're already done! Come back here at the main building!
Gakupo Sensei: Ah. Okay wait for me in a sec.

* call ended *

" Guys! He's tone is a little bit different! We all know when I shout at him, he becomes a little bit hot headed too and shouts at me as well! " I told my friend and they laughed. " Guess Sensei's a little bit kind today. " Yohioloid said and I saw Rin glared at him. " He's been thinking a lot lately, maybe he has problems. " Shion said and my eyes widen. " What could it be!? " I yelled and just sighed. " Stop thinking about it, think about our contest later. " Luki said and I just hugged IA. " Luki, don't be so harsh. " IA told Luki and he just rolled his eyes at IA.

" Die in jealousy, Luki. " Miku said and they just laughed at Luki. " Hey guys jealousy isn't a great feeling, you know. " I told them and they laughed again. Luki just looked at me and started playing his phone. -3-

Ted, Lily, and Nero already went home. Because their parents told them. HAHAHA. Miku, IA, Gumi and Rin will be sleeping at home with me. ^^ While Yohioloid and the boys are going night outing again. Even Luki. -3-

When Sensei came back he then ruffled my hair, so IA and Rin scolded Gakupo Sensei because my hair got messy again. Gakupo Sensei then just scratched the back of his head while saying sorry. " Sensei can't you just stop doing that every time you see Luka?! " Miku scolded Sensei while she fixed my hair. I just chuckled. " Nah. Just let him Miku, I'm used to it. " I said and saw Gakupo Sensei's eyes widen and he chuckled.

We didn't had dinner, because Sensei told there'll be a free dinner after the contest. We only brought snacks and hid it inside our bags. :) We aren't allowed to bring valuable materials with us, like phones and money. So we just hid our phones and wallets inside the guitar case. Cause we know the guards wouldn't check it.

Gakupo Sensei's temper started to burst when the guard wouldn't let us in because he said that we have snacks inside our bags and Gakupo Sensei won't let the guard confiscate it. But after the arguments, the guard still lets us in without confiscating our snacks. ^^

We went and search for our seat. We searched for the chair with the No. 9 on it. Were performer No. 9 :) And the last contestant. I sat with the girls, cause Gakupo Sensei wasn't sitting with us because he was helping the stage organizers. LOL

When the program started, I can't stop my heart from panicking. I'm starting to feel cold and my hands numb. Cause they were so good! I can feel the hairs on my skin standing. " Guys look! They're doing a standing ovation! " I told my friends and showed them my arm. And they laughed. " You're crazy Luka. " IA said while laughing and caressing my arm.

But some of the performances were a little bit epic fail. XD " We have a chance guys! " Luki said and we all glared at him. " Like you have a great voice. " IA said. " Why so harsh IA!? " Luki told her and we all laughed at them. The 1st and 5th contestants were good... From the college of Nursing and Engineering... :(

Forbidden yet Sweet ( A vocaloid fanfic ) ( Gakupo Kamui X Luka Megurine )Where stories live. Discover now