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Luka's POV

Yey~! Today's the day~! I'm at Gakupo Sensei's office helping him check his test papers. Sensei's checking test papers while searching a song for our next performance. " IA's mom texted me last night. IA can't join us. " Sensei said and just nod. " As expected. " I said. " And about Luki, I noticed his not active. " Sensei said. " Yeah... I noticed that as well. " I said. " Never mind. It's not school related anyway. " Gakupo Sensei said, and I just sighed. I just looked at him while he was searching something on his laptop.

~ Flashback. ~

It's our first time going out of the school because of an activity. We're going tree planting~! Only TLE agriculture students at least. Including us~

" Sensei please sign it! " I said while showing him our letter. " No. Because I'm not there to guarantee your safety. " He said and just crossed his arms at me. " Please Sensei it's for our grade. " Nero said and Sensei just sighed. " Fine! But if something wrong happens, I'm not responsible for it. " He said and just signed. " Yey! " We all yelled in delight.

" I want all of you back before lunchtime, is that clear? " Sensei said and we all nod. So...  All TLE agriculture students from our section are excused in all classes. :D 

~ Time skip, at the tree planting area. ~

I was digging holes together with my friends until I heard my phone ringing. " OMG! " I yelled and immediately took my phone.

Me: Hello IA?
IA: Phew... I thought you guys are lost, you weren't answering Sensei's calls
Me: Oh... He called!?
IA: Like duh. His phone said ' Coverage area cannot be reached, please try your call later. ' He's starting to get worried.
Me: Ekkkk!!! OMG! He is!? Ahhhh!!!! He's concern about me!?
???: Why aren't you answering my calls?
' Who the-!? '
Me: Uhh... IA? 
???: Phew...
Me: Sen-Sensei!?
Gakupo Sensei: Just be back before lunch. All of you.

* toot toot toot *

O___O No way... DANG IT!!!!!!!! He must have heard me!? I just fangirled at him and he caught me in act doing it! AHHHHH!!! Huhhuhu T^T

~ Time skip, back to school. ~

" Look Sensei's waiting at the school gate. " Nero said and I just gulped. My hands were sweating and my knees are shaking, not because of fear but because of shame. T^T " Finally. " Miku said and we all went to Sensei. " Told yah Sensei. " Yohioloid said. " I still got arms, legs, a head. And I'm still breathing. " I said and he just rolled his eyes at me. The rest of them just laughed. I still can't believe his really that concern. >///< Oh well... I'm his student anyway. That's a teacher's job anyway, teachers are always concern about their students wellbeing... They are our second parents after all...

~ End of Flashback ~

" I still remember when you almost didn't let us join our tree planting when we were in Gr. 9 " I told him with a smile and he laughed. " Yeah, because all of you are still kids back then. And I know you, your curiosity are far beyond reach and incomprehensible. " He said with a chuckle and I just glare at him. " Eiii~ Sensei's just concern, that's all. " I said with a smirk. " Of course I am! " He yelled and my eyes widen. " If something bad happens to all of you, your parents will blame me. I'll be the one to be blamed because I'm the adviser, and next to be blamed is your subject teacher! " He said. " I know! I know! No need to be too defensive. " I said while tapping his back. HAHAHAHA.

At least you're concern and you admitted it. >////<

" It's already 7. I think you should go. " Sensei said and I just pout at him. " Last year you almost didn't let me go, then now~ " I said jokingly while checking the rest of the test papers and he chuckled. " You've grown up already Luka, you know if that thing kills you or not. " He said with a smirk and I just glared at him. " Fine. I'm going Sensei. See yah later. Muah~! " I said and waited for his response. " Take care. Chup-chup. " Sensei said and I just smiled and went out of his office....

Forbidden yet Sweet ( A vocaloid fanfic ) ( Gakupo Kamui X Luka Megurine )Where stories live. Discover now