It's Love?

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Luka's POV

Today is Friday! The best day of the week! Because I heard that this Friday will be shorten, today is schedule C! It means it's only half-day! Yey! And today is the day we'll be going to the movies!

I'm here at the Music room, playing the piano. Until the front door opened. " I knew you'd be here. " I heard Gakupo Sensei said. I stopped playing the piano and looked at him. " How'd you know Sensei? " I asked him.

" Because I heard the piano playing and your the only one who can enter the Music room without my permission. " He said with a smile, I just smiled back at him. I stood up and started opening the windows and curtains. " I can help you with that if you want. " Gakupo Sensei said and also starting opening the windows...

And accidentally our hands touched. But I pulled it immediately. ' Awkward ' He looked at me blankly and then continued opening the windows. I can feel my face heat up. I can also feel my breathing unstable. I went to pick up the broom but he suddenly stopped me.

" No need to do that. " He said to me, while he was still holding my hand. " Nahh.. I insist. " I said to him with a warm smile and pull my hand away. I went to the corner and started sweeping the floor. Until-

He pushed me gently to the wall and placed his hands above my shoulder... He was cornering me. My eyes widen and I felt like I was melting just by staring at his wild eyes. I feel my hands shivering and also my knees weakening. " I said No. " He said to me softly. I accidentally let go of the broom that I was holding.

I pushed Sensei away from me and picked the broom up. " But I want too! " I yelled at him, I admit. I became scared by that. His eyes widen but softened immediately. " Fine. Do what you must. " Gakupo Sensei said and straighten himself and also fixed his uniform. I just looked at him my hand we're still shivering. It was the first time that Sensei was that close to me. So close that I can even feel his breath.

After I finished sweeping the floor I saw my friends at the quadrangle. " Umm.. Gakupo Sensei, my friends are already at the quadrangle. " I told him and he smiled. " Okay. You'll go ahead. I still have things to do at the faculty room... " He said and stood up. I gently place the broom back to it's original place. " Sensei, I'll just leave my bag here. Okay? " I said to him. " Okay. " He respond and I began to leave.

' Well that was awkward. Luckily I didn't shuddered while talking to him... But I could feel that he can read me... Just by looking at me. ' I said to myself.

" Luka! I've been calling you for a couple of seconds! Why didn't you hear me!? I was even scolded because I was shouting at the corridor! " Miku said to me while catching her breath. ' So she was calling me and also chasing me? '

" Oh, I'm so sorry Miku. I didn't hear you... I was thinking something really... Deep. " I said to her and she just nod. " Why what happened? " Miku asked me. " I-It's nothing... " I said lifting my head up. " Did something happened between you and Gakupo Sensei? " Miku asked me and my eyes widen... And I just nod slowly...

" What happened? Did you two fight again? " Miku asked me. " Nope. I'll explain it to you later together with the other girls. But no boys, okay? " I told her, she nod and smiled at me. And we finally went to the quadrangle.

~ Time skip, during flag ceremony ~

We stood still and quietly, some teachers are roaming around and the others are quietly watching over us. I saw Gakupo Sensei, he was just standing and looking at the sky. I also lift my head up and looked at the sky. Today was a fine day, maybe today won't rain. After we finished singing our National anthem and School Hymn. We all listen for the announcements from different organizations.

Forbidden yet Sweet ( A vocaloid fanfic ) ( Gakupo Kamui X Luka Megurine )Where stories live. Discover now