I gasp into my palm as Liam rushes to me , pulling me into his arms.

I shake my head as he says repeatedly "Its fine Ni , he is just fine and awake now"

I cry harder at that ,was he not awake when they brought him?

Oh my god what have I done ?

"Louis is with him right now. You can go and meet him" , my legs give away as he continues to murmur things and rub my back.

"It's all my fa-fault Li , he is in the-their because of me. He , he will never want me Li , h-he kn-nows I was with Michael. Its my fault"

Liam sighs pulling me closer , he goes to say something probably cancelling my statements but is cut by someone else making me turn at the door of the room.

"Of course its your fault Niall!" I cry as Liam argues "Louis , not know !"

"Then when Liam , I am done , I am done seeing him like this . This has to stop and it has to stop from you Niall. Its all your damn fault so better go inside and own up to your mistakes" Louis says with finality and stern eyes.

I nod my head , wiping my tears and snot away. I clutch tightly at my shorts as I open the door.

Timidly I walk into the room afraid to see the sight in front of me. 

I can't help keep the cry in me at the sight of him . There are tapes oger his chest , his hand connected to tubes and bandage on his forehead. His one eye is all black and is barely opened , and there is a red bruise near his lips and jaw.

His sight on the night of the party comes to mind and this is way worst.

My eyes then lock into his who is looking straight at me now sitting up and anger builds in me. I take quick steps towards his bed as he sits up and before he knows what I am doing I start hitting him.


"Niall ! What are you doing !?" He tries to block me but I just hit him with my fist anywhere I can find , tears are running down my cheeks as he pushes himself to the edge of the bed trying to hold me still but I cant just stop.

So i hit him while saying

"I" hit "told" hit "you" hit "to stop fighting !"

"To just stop fighting" I shout while hitting him and pushing his hands away as he tries to stop me .

"Niall listen , I am fine !" He says and I just shake my head looking at him furiously .

"You're not fine ! Look at you ! I told you to stop fighting ! Why. Don't. You .listen." I slap him on the unbruised cheek.

"Niall I am fine , its no big deal" and that's it for me I grab him by his shirt's neck "Its fine hun. Its fine Styles ! Look at me !"

I shake him up unable to control myself and shout at him crying the whole time as his eyes gets lock on mine .

"What if something must have happened to you hun? What would I do ?! What will I do ?!" he smiles at me making me more angry than I already am and rubs he tears on my cheek as he replies

"Nothing will happen to me. And if something does , than I know you will always remember me , right Ni?"

I slap him .

There is a dead silence in the room apart from my harsh breathing .And when  he turns to look at me and goes to speak I again slap him.

My vision gets blurry as I say , my finger pointing at him , my voice wavering.

"Never. Never say anything like that again.  I will never remember you" I shake my head and smile as he faces dull, serves the bastard right for saying things like this.

"I will never remember you because I will never forget you" and I just let go, I decide in that moment , looking into his eyes that I have to own up to my mistake.

"I can never forget you ! Harry ,never .How can I even?! Who can forget the love of their fucking life ?! So don't you say , you bastard , don't ever say something like that!" With that I just hug him crying loudly , twisting my fingers into his shirt.

I just poured my heart out and I dont even care if he returns the feeling. I just feel so relieved and tensed all at the same time.

"What ?" I feel him grip me and try to push me away but I stay put , I don't want to face him just yet. I don't want to face the rejection just yet.

"Niallll" he sighs and I huff pulling away. I become shy all of the sudden as he looks at me , with a disbelieve look and I just want to bolt away.

"Did you just said what I think you said ?" his voice is small and slow , giving nothing away - I don't know whether he is happy or not.

"Answer me Niall" he asks as I stare down at my shoes , suddenly finding them interesting.

I nod my head shyly and groan when he asks "use your words Ni" , he is making fun of me. Tears blind me but still I repeat myself , he has already heard me anyways.

"I - I love you Harry"

There is silence after my confession and after few seconds that felt like years I have an urge to look up at him but I don't have the guts.

I look up at him suddenly almost getting a whiplash as he says , out of the blue making me heart melt inside.

"I am in love with you baby"

We stare at him and I don't know if I am smiling or crying or both but when he opens his arms calling me to him saying "Come here babe " ,I just run to him kissing him with all my might.

I have never felt so happy , so excited but at peace all at once . Its exhilarating and tugs at tour heart ,all at once.He kisses me like never before making my toe curl.

He hisses slightly making me pull away a little "soorry , you alright?" I ask and he just pecks me and says "never been better Ni" and I pull him down for another kiss.

The End

Tadaaa !!!

Narry 😭😭😭😭😭😭

This is not the end , epilogue is up next along with a thank you note :)

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