Alexander Hamilton- Un Deux Trois Quarte Cinq... How Many Items Are There?!

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This was a much harder task than I expected.
George wanted... well, here's a list:
1. Cinnamon rolls
2. Cupcakes (chocolate and vanilla with a variety of frostings)
3. Mini fruit tarts (strawberry and lemon, at least)
4. At least one Boston creme pie
5. At least on cake (chocolate layer or yellow)
6. Chocolate chip cookies
7. Sugar cookies
8. Cheesecake or mini cheesecakes
9. Candy apples
10. Apple pie or mini apple pies
11. Brownies
12. Gingerbread cookies
13. Banana or pumpkin bread
14. Danish (raspberry, apple, or cheese)
15. Blueberry muffins
16. Cannoli
17. Eclairs
18. Fresh squeezed lemonade
19. Apple pecan crumble
20. Brookies
And the list went on, ending with "Other: PLEASE specify", but there was no other thing you could possibly include. There was EVERYTHING on this list. George was nice, but he took his work really seriously.
I still think a musical would have worked.
I priced everything and made numbers for things with unspecified numbers.

. . .

George liked my lists. I hung them up around the school. A lot of people signed up. It looked like this:
1. Cinnamon rolls- Elizabeth Schuyler
2. Cupcakes (chocolate and vanilla with a variety of frostings)- John Laurens
3. Mini fruit tarts (strawberry and lemon, at least)- Peggy Schuyler
4. At least one Boston creme pie- Maria Reynolds
5. At least on cake (chocolate layer or yellow)- Aaron Burr
6. Chocolate chip cookies- Marie-Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert du Motier de Lafayette
7. Sugar cookies- Thomas Jefferson
8. Cheesecake or mini cheesecakes- James Madison
9. Candy apples- Hercules Mulligan
10. Apple pie or mini apple pies- Hercules MullAGAIN HA SIGNED UP TWICE ALEX
11. Brownies- Angelica Schuyler (on second thought, I can't, I'm sorry. But this is a pen.)
12. Gingerbread cookies- Charles Lee
13. Banana or pumpkin bread- James Reynolds
14. Danish (raspberry, apple, or cheese)- John Laurens again 😄😄😄
15. Blueberry muffins- Eliza Schuyler again, hi Alex❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️😉
16. Cannoli- Angelica Schuyler (Actually, I can't. I'll help in any way I can!)
17. Eclairs- Thomas Jefferson
18. Fresh squeezed lemonade- ITS ME PEGGY
19. Apple pecan crumble- Its me HERC IM BACK
20. Brookies- John Laurens once again, fren!
People writing full sentences was not what we had in mind, but we were grateful for what we got. Thomas Jefferson and James Madison called and said they'd help. Most of the people on the list would stay to help sell things for ten dollars each.
What I was concerned about was Angelica.
She was so dedicated, so helpful, and both of her sisters would be there. I scanned the list to find any implication of why she backed out.
Oh god.
I saw Charles's name. Why did he have to come and ruin things? Charles Lee. Right there, in pristine handwriting, right below Angelica's gorgeous cursive, were ten letters, evenly space, almost laughing about how they were ruining chances of a successful bake sale and ruining the life of one of the most incredible people I knew.
And then, there was a crash and a scream.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2017 ⏰

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