Alexander Hamilton- Charles Lee

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A buzz.
Angelica💗: Meet me in the movie isle at Target in 2 minutes.
Eliza and I hurried to Target. She had just told me about Charles Lee. He was obviously dangerous, for nobody can hurt Angelica, as far as I can tell. She was strong, with large muscles in her arms and probably everywhere else as well. God, he must be scary. We kept walking.
We passed Pandora, and Sephora, and Forever 21, and we were finally at Target.
We discreetly went to the movie isle. We saw Angelica looking at murder mysteries.
"Psst. Angelica." Eliza whispered.
Angelica looked up frantically. "Ssssshhhhh..." He hissed. He nodded to the next isle, the video games.
Charles Lee was right there. We looked at her, nervous. We exchanged looks and headed towards the toys. If anyone asked, they were for my cousin.
"Hey, Angie, how've ya been?" A voice like... Well, I don't know what it was like, but it was creepy, sounded from behind us.
"Charles." Angelica greeted coldly. "Don't call me Angie."
"I'm gonna call you what I want." He said casually. "How's lunch next weekend? I'm free."
"Charles, we broke up a month ago."
"It wasn't mutual." He sneered.
"Charles, I hate to break it to you, but breakups aren't usually mutual." She said with a hint of sass.
"Don't call me Angie."
"I'ma call you what I want. Angie, I don't care about technicalities. C'mon, Angie."
"Call me Angie one more time." She dared.
"Angie, I'ma call you what I want." He responded. "You're Angie."
"Just forget it Charles." Angelica began to walk away. He grabbed her hand.
"Wait, Angie."
She pulled away. Eliza seized the moment to do something very unexpected.
"Charles, quit being a jerk."
"And who are you to call me a jerk?"
"Eliza Schuyler. Her sister."
"Eliza, please..." Angelica pleaded.
"Angelica, I'm standing up for you. Quit being a jerk, Charles. I'd call you something meaner, but there's a three-year-old in the next isle."
Sure enough, there was.
"Charles, you're being an- Oh. Wait. Three-year-old." I said. "Jerk. You're being a big, stupid, idiot."
"Oh, you the new kid? Ya think ya scare me? Huh?" He teased.
Then, things got out of hand.
I don't know exactly how.
I kinda blacked out.
I ended up in a hospital, though. I can tell you that.

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