Eliza Schuyler- Helpless

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I watched Angelica and the boy talk on the stage. They seemed so happy. At one point, she started cracking up. At another, he did. I couldn't take my eyes off them. At one point, Angelica looked my way. I smiled. She stood up and said something to him. She started walking. He took her hand and followed. My heart beat fast. They were coming towards me. I stood.
"Elizabeth Schuyler. Everyone calls me Eliza. It's very nice to meet you."
"Oh, you're Angelica's sister, right?" I nodded. "I'm Alexander Hamilton."
"I'll leave you to it!" Angelica said with a hint of sadness in her voice. She went to talk to one of the Marthas.
"So, I really like your skirt." He said.
I looked down at my blue plaid skirt and smiled. "Thanks."
"No problem. Wanna have lunch sometime?" My heart fluttered.
We had a long conversation, which led to him asking my number when we had to part ways. As I left the theatre, I could not have been more thrilled.

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