Angelica Schuyler- Common Sense

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"Where are we going, Angie?"
"Margarita, don't call me Angie."
"Don't call me Margarita." Peggy complained.
My phone buzzed. I looked down. It was a text from Eliza: "Have u seen John Laurens from school? He's missing"
I shot back: "No. I'll tell u when I do. Hope he's ok😰"
I told Peggy he was missing. Her eyes widened and her mouth opened. "Is- Is he okay?"
"I hope so." I responded.
"Let's check Target." Peggy suggested.
"You check there. I'll check the food court." I said.
We went our separate ways. My phone buzzed.
Peggy💛: "Why r we separating?"
I typed and hit send.
Angelica💗: "It's just common sense."

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