John Laurens- My Shot

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"Hey, John, can I tell you something?" Alexander asked me.
"Of course!" If it was anything good, I decided, I am not throwing away my shot.
"I asked Eliza to lunch." My heart dropped.
"Oh! Cool, good for you!" I hoped it sounded sincere, because to me it sounded awkward.
"I have her number. Should I text her an idea of where to go or let her decide?" He asked.
"Knowing Eliza, you should say what kind of food you like, then, because you're not from here, let her choose a good place."
"I gotta get to class."
"Thanks, John!"
"No prob."
I went to my math classroom, the first class of the day, and sat in the middle row, and Eliza sat down next to me, and I could not meet her eyes.

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