Mall Date Becomes Better - ChanBaek part2

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"Soooo, where is the restaurant?" Baekhyun ask for the he doesn't even know how many times now.

"Right over there Baekkie. Let's go" They went into a cozy looking restaurant and pick a table at the back corner beside a mini waterfall decoration. "Wait. Don't sit yet" "What now Yeol? Let me sit, I'm tired" Chanyeol went over to Baekhyun and pull the chair for him. Baekhyun roll his eyes playfully, "You're making me wait just for this? Wow" "I'm tryna look like a gentleman here Baek" Chanyeol say in a serious but soft tone. "Yeah, yeah" Baekhyun smile secretly, 'He's so sweet!' He thought. Chanyeol went over to his seat and sit down. He raise his hand and shout, "Waiter, order"

Baekhyun leave all the ordering food work to Chanyeol. After all he knows what Baekhyun eat and doesn't. What Baekhyun likes and dislikes. "That's all. Thank you" The waiter takes the menu, bow and walks away. Baekhyun wander his eyes looking around the restaurant. He likes it there.  'Why I didn't know about this place at all?' He raise his eyebrows and look around the decorations more but stop when Chanyeol  suddenly place his hand on top of his.

"Baek, I'm sorry"

"What for?" Baek place his other hand on top of Chanyeol's, loving the feeling of it.

"For abandoning you just now. I swear this date today was supposed to be only between the both of us not with Yeonha-" He was cut off by Baekhyun.

"Chanyeol, its okay. It doesn't bother me at all," Baekhyun chuckle. "But don't you think 'abandoning' sounds too harsh? You didn't left me somewhere I don't know. I mean, I was literally behind you" Baeknyun give Chanyeol a reassuring smile.

Chanyeol nod but he still feels guilty about it. Even though Baekhyun already said that its okay. He wanted to do something for him. As he was busy thinking what to do after this, the food arrives. "Finally! I'm starving" Baekhyun say, his eyes are already shining seeing the foods upon them. They thanked the waiter and start to eat. After they done eating and Chanyeol paying for the food, they walk out with Baekhyun rubbing his stomach in a circular motion.

"Ahh I'm full. Thank you Channie!" He hug Chanyeol's arm and tip toed and kiss his cheeks. Chanyeol blush didn't expect for Baek to kiss him. "Your most welcome Baek" He smile. As they are passing by the nature republic store, Chanyeol can see the cinema from there. "Baek, how about we watch a movie?" Baekhyun who is obviously looking around the mall turns his head to Chanyeol, "Hmm? What movie do you wanna watch?" "Up to you baby" Baekhyun blush but nod anyway. "Then I want to watch Kungfu Yoga. The one where has Zhang Yixing in it"

Argh. Again. Zhang Yixing again. The popular actor Baekhyun likes. Why did I even suggest to watch a movie in the first place? Chanyeol thought. They already arrived in front of the cinema but Chanyeol just standing still, lost in his thoughts. "Chanyeol, you said you wanted to watch a movie. We're here already. Let's go and buy the ticket" Baekhyun tug and pull Chanyeol's arm. "Let's goooooo I want to watch my Yixing in action" My? Did he just said 'my Yixing'? What? No. No. Nope. Nu'uh. I'm canceling the movie plan.  Maybe you guys are thinking, 'What's wrong with him? Its just Baekhyun liking an actor. He's overreacting'. But no guys, this is important. Baekhyun can't like anyone more than me. Not even towards his dog. Call me overreacting and whatsoever, I don't care.

"Baby, let's just cancel the movie plan. How about we go somewhere else?" "What?! How about my Yix- umph" Baekhyun stare at his boyfriend weird. What's with him? Baekhyun thought cuz he can't freaking speak! Chanyeol's hand are like too big covering his mouth. "Don't speak anything just, let's just go okay?" Chanyeol plead. Baekhyun feels kind of pity at Chanyeol, although he don't know why he's acting like this. He nod. Chanyeol let out a deep breath and start walking away from the cinema, his hand still at Baekhyun's mouth.

Eventually, they spent the day going to the arcade, playing games. Then they went to the bowling place and play two round of games vs each other. Chanyeol won so for the next place they'll, Chanyeol is the one who'll decide. Chanyeol wants to go to Baskin Robbins so they went there and each got a scoop of ice cream. Baekhyun got the mint flavor one and Chanyeol got the chocolate one. They enjoyed eating their ice cream then they headed back home.

-In the car-
"Chanyeol, why are you acting like that just now?"

"Like what?"

"Come on. Don't play with me. Why are you acting weird at the cinema just now?"

"Oh." Was all what Chanyeol said. I can't tell him that I was jealous. He will think that I'm childish. Right? I don't want him to think of me like that. No. Never ever. He look over to Baekhyun, his face waiting for an answer eagerly.

"Well, I'm just not in the mood" Seriously Park Chanyeol? That's your answer? Nice. Give a clap for yourself. Chanyeol roll his eyes and sweating nervously hoping that there will no other questions from Baekhyun.

"Oh. Okay. If you said so. I'm gonna sleep for awhile. Wake me up when we arrives okay?" Chanyeol felt relieved and nod. "Okay. You can sleep. I'll wake you up later. Sweet dreams baby~" He caress Baek's face lovingly. Once they arrived, Chanyeol didn't have the heart to wake his boyfriend up who's soundly sleeping beside him. He carry Baekhyun bridal style inside, lay him on the bed, tuck him under the blanket and kiss his forehead. "Goodnight my princess. Sweet dreams. I love you." Chanyeol smile. He went to take a short bath and then lay beside Baekhyun under the blanket. He pull Baekhyun gently towards him and wrap his hands around Baekhyun's waist. Minutes later he fell asleep too. Goodnight, my dearest ChanBaek 😘

The End.

How is it? This is longer than the first part. 1030 words. Wow 😂. I'm going to do either SuLay or KaiSoo next. Until then! Byeeeee 💕

Lots of love, Laeris

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