Holiday part3

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"Sehun! Sehun wake up!" slowly Sehun open his eyes, rubbing them.
"What...? Where are we?" he ask looking at Chanyeol above him. Chanyeol sigh and move over letting Sehun sit straight. Sehun looks around him. Why are they in the woods? Aren't they in the van going for a holiday? Where are the others?
"Ouch...!" he wince holding his head. He can feel warm liquids all over his head smearing his hand. He look at it, blood?
"Hyung what happened?" he ask Chanyeol again. Chanyeol only shake his head sighing again.
"Accident happened," answer Chanyeol hesitated. He looks devastated.

Sehun furrowed his eyebrows.
"Accident? But how? It was all fine before! Where are the other?! Hyung!!" tears are building at his eyes. Chanyeol's behaviour makes him mad. Why can't just Chanyeol be honest with him and tell him straight to the point what has happened? He stand up looking around. He can see their van from here. But he can't see the other members.
"Sehun where do you wanna go? Its useless. I've tried to find them but I found no one. Nothing," say Chanyeol after a long time quieting himself. Sehun don't care what Chanyeol said. He walk towards the van with Chanyeol tailing behind him. Its ridiculous. How could the members even gone just like that? They must be here somewhere. Arriving at the completely crashed van he fall to his knees. Tears streaming down from his eyes. No this can't be true.

"H-hyungs!!!!" there in front of his eyes he witnessed his hyungs dead bodies scattered around the van.
"Chanyeol hyung why did you lie to me?! They're here! And you said that you can't find them? Bullshit!" he run over to Chanyeol and getting ready to punch him when...

"Sehun? Sehun wake up! How long are you planning to sleep? Sleepyhead," he hear someone's voice. Chanyeol? He open his eyes and there's Chanyeol in front of him.
"What's wrong with you? Screaming in your sleep. Geez. Nightmares?" say Chanyeol then he get up sitting beside Sehun. Sehun looks around. He's still in the van. But no ones there except him and Chanyeol.
"W-where's the others?" Sehun ask stuttering. Chanyeol laugh.
"What's with you? You look like you just saw a ghost. We're at the gas station. Chen and Baekhyun wanted to pee,"
"The others?"
"Oh. Except Chen and Baekhyun the others went inside the shop to buy snacks and drinks. The one before were already finished. Serves you right. Sleep until you don't know what's going on. What dream did you get exactly? Is it that bad?" ask Chanyeol wanna know. Sehun shake his head.
"N-no its nothing. I dreamt of uhh...there's...snake! There's a snake in the van. That's all." Chanyeol laugh again and start clapping his hands.

"That's all? You're so weird Sehun. Btw do you wanna go to the bathroom? Suho hyung said that after this we won't stop anywhere anymore if someone wanna pee. Because we're almost there." say Chanyeol again still laughing. Sehun shake his head. He doesn't feel like wanna go to the bathroom. Chanyeol reply with a short 'ok' then he went inside the shop. Sehun is left alone in the van. Its just a dream? But it felt so real. Sehun can't believe it. Until he saw his hyungs coming out from the bathroom and shop walking towards the van. Then he can be relieved. His hyungs are still alive.

"Sorry for taking a long time Sehun. And sorry we didn't wake you up just now. We didn't have the heart to when we saw you're sleeping so soundly. You looks tired too." say Suho when they all inside the van.
"Don't worry Sehunnie we bought you some snacks! You will love them." say Baekhyun after that. Sehun just smile.
"Its okay."
"Alright I'm gonna start driving now. Put on your seatbelts everyone." Its Suho's turn to drive now. Sehun smile at his seat. Its really just a dream.


Idk what I just did 😂😂 anyway hope you like it! ⊙▽⊙


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