SuLay - Colour part2

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"You know? How?" How did he know? Maybe he watch my clumsy steps just now don't know how to choose the icecream he want. Stupid me. His soft voice then wake me from my thoughts.

"Its a long story. Why not we take a sit somewhere? Then we can continue our talk. Shall we?" The beautiful angel then smile sweetly. I can feel my heart beating fast. My face became hot. I'm blushing so hard. What's wrong with me? I nod because I wanted to be with him longer. I kind of like his presence around me.

He help me clean and pack up. I refused at first because I don't want to burden him but he insisted to do so. He's so kind. I never meet someone as kind as him. After we finish packing we walk to the nearest bench at the park and sit down. My hearts still beating fast. Damn it what if he hear it?

"I always see you around this park. Pushing your ice cream cart approaching people asking them if they want to buy ice cream. But you didn't notice me. There's also time when you will just sit at one of the bench here resting. Your face is full of happiness seeing those people mostly kids enjoying their ice cream. But...there was something else too. Your eyes. Its dull. All I can see is emptiness. Until at one time, I wanted to know more. About you. About your world. I wanted to help you be happy. I waited for the suitable time to approach you and I think today is the right time. I'm...sorry if you find me creepy. I just, you know wanted to be your friend. Or more..." His voice trails off in the end. All this while when he's talking tears is already building at the my eyes. I don't know what to say. I'm speechless. My hearts beating fast again. Faster than before.

"Lay...I don't know what to say. It was so kind of you for saying that. I was saying before,I suffers from colour blindness. I can't see any colour at all. My world are black and white. I may look fine but I feel empty Lay. I'm depressed. I...I hate my life. Lay tell me how to be happy again? Help me Lay...please help me..." By now I'm already a crying mess. I probably look dumb now.

Then I feel a soft and warm touch at my cheeks. I look up at Lay but then he quickly pull me into a hug. "L-Lay what are you-" I was cut by him. "I will help you! I want you to be happy again. I don't care if you're sick. Its not even bad. I-I love you Suho! For a long time now. I fall in love with you when I first saw you. I know this is so sudden but would you be my boyfriend?" He broke the hug and hold my hands gently looking at me.

I was astonished again. He's really an angel. My hearts beating incredibly fast again. What should I do? "I...I think I'm in love with you too..." I say blushing really hard. Eventhough I just met him but my heart can't lie to me. I'm in love with him. With his kindness, gentle behaviour and all of him. I love all things about him. I want to be with him.

"'ll be my boyfriend?" He ask again. I nod shyly. He then smile widely. I smile too.

"Suho...even though you can't see any colour at all I promise I'll bring happiness to your life. I'll make you feel loved, hug you when you need me to, cook for you and I'll say 'I love you' to you countless times if I have to. So please don't be sad anymore. I love you so much." Lay say then he kiss my lips. I was frozen for awhile but then I smile.

"I love you too Lay...❤"

The End.

Done part 2! (^▽^) hope you guys enjoy reading this (⌒_⌒)❤❤


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