Will You Accept Me? - KaiSoo

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Kai p.o.v

I open my eyes, groaning at the pain from the back of my head. I blink a few times before my sight becomes clear. Where are my glasses? I remember wearing them because I'm too lazy to wear my contact lenses.

"Ah. You're awake." Someone says.

"You passed out for so long. I thought I killed you." The person then chuckles. With my blurry sight, I can see the person walking towards me. Judging from the voice, I would say that the person is a male.

"Where am I?" I asks, my voice a little raspy since I just woke up. "Who are you?" I asks again.

"Before I answer them, here. Your glasses." He put my glasses in front of me. I take and wear them. 

Finally, my sight becomes better. I raise my head and looks at the person. As I thought, a male. He has an average height, not too short and not too tall. He has a round face, big eyes and plump lips.

Cute. Wait, what? Kai, he kidnapped you! Focus!

"W-who are you? Where am I? Why did you bring me here?"  I ask again, glaring at him.

He walks closer and chuckle again, "Don't be scared, I'm not gonna hurt you. Why would I hurt the people I love?"

Love? What is he talking about? Is he crazy? I need to get out of here. Immediately.

"What are you talking about?" He comes closer, sitting on my lap.

"Jonginnie, you're save now. No one can find you here. So, have you already figured out where you are?"

I avert my eyes from him and look around. There's a stairs across from where I'm sitting, window and some boxes on the floor. Looks like a basement to me.

"Your basement?" I answers.

He giggle, "You're right. Now, do you know why you're here?"

I roll my eyes, "Of course I don't."

"Right. Sorry. Well, don't worry. I'll tell you," he inhales then exhales, "Its because your place is beside me Kim Jongin. You're mine and I'm yours." He smile at the end of the speak.

"So, that means you love me?" I ask.

He blush, nodding his head.

"Then why won't you tell me?" I ask again, looking at his face features. Yeap, not gonna lie. He's cute.

"Will you accept me if I confess to you?" He ask slightly blushing.

"Well, we will see. So, do you love me?" I ask again, looking at his eyes. They have nice colors. Don't know if he's wearing contact lenses too or that's his natural eye color.

"I-I do! I love you! I love you Kim Jongin! So much." He place his face at the crook of my neck, panting and blushing heavily.

That's cute.

"Can I...kiss you?" He ask, his voice is little muffled.

Without answering, he pulls back and intertwine our lips together. Seeing me not reacting, he pulls away pouting asking me, "Do you hate me?"

I was astonished. The kiss. It felt great. His lips feels so soft. I liked it.

"Hey, answer me." He say shaking my body. He looks sad for a second. Without thinking longer, I kiss him.

He let out a cute sound. I felt my heart beating fast. I hug him and smile in the kiss. Then, he smile too.

He wrap his hands around my neck. We kiss for a little longer than we pulls away. He's panting, blushing heavily. Oh my god he is so cute.

"So...what's your name?" I ask pulling him closer to me.

He blush even more, "K-Kyungsoo. Do Kyungsoo..." His voice trails off.

"What a cute name. Cute like the owner of it." I say making him blush more. (if that even possible lol) 

I then kiss his cheeks making him shock. He widen his eyes, looking at me with an unbelievable expression.

"Well, I guess I can learn to love you too."

He looks shocked again, tearing up. I panicked, holding his face rubbing the tears away with my thumb.

"W-why are you crying?! Did I say something wrong? K-Kyungsoo tell me. Hey."

"I'm-I'm just happy...you didn't hate me and...and you'll learn to love me! This is like the happiest day ever for me...I can't believe this. Is this real? Am I dreaming Jongin?" He say tearing up again.

I smile, "This is real Kyungsoo. I will try, the hardest I can to love you. How could I hate someone as cute as you?"

I laugh and so did he.

I kiss his hand, "Can we get out from here now? Let's cook something to eat or anything? I'm hungry. I'm sure you're hungry too. You must be staying here all the time taking care of me right?"

He nod and chuckle. He got up and I got up too. He lead us out from the basement.

Well, it can't be hard to fall in love with a person right? I mean, he's cute, kind and loveable. Plus, he's willing to do anything for me. Isn't that sweet? I bet I'll fall in love with him before I even know it.

I still don't know how he kidnapped me tho. Never mind, I'll ask him later.

The End.

Ohohoho (´∀') I was thinking whether to do a happy or bad ending but I chose to do happy ending. Do you guys want to know how's the bad ending will be like? Want me to do it? Vote and comment if you want me to. Then I'll do another version of this but with bad ending. But if not I'll just continue making story for other ships.



Until then, byeeee 💕

Lots of love, Laeris

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