Was it hate? I couldn't tell. Was she angry? It was impossible to read her. The one thing I knew for sure is that she didn't want to be with me for a second more. I have never seen her stand so motionless in front of me. "Juvia..I. pleas.." I loosed my grip on her wrist. She wanted to stay away from me. I didn't want to make her more upset with me than she already is. "I'm sorry, I.." she didn't even wait to hear me out. She took the opportunity and left me all alone in our house.

What have I done?



It's been 2 days since then, Lyon had asked me to meet up with him. Gray hadn't talked to me, he wasn't the one to blame. I was the one who kept pushing him away. I haven't said a word to him.

I entered his room. He was reading. "When are you bringing the lawyers in?" I asked Gray

"Gray" He ignored me. Jerk.
I went to his desk and started scrambling through the papers on top of it. "If you aren't going to tell me, I'll find it it myself." I said.

Gray got up, he took his glasses of and made his way towards me.

" Juvia, I'm not giving it to you." He stood next to me.

"Your signature is already on it, I'll find it somehow" I told him. Where did I suddenly get all this confidence to stand up against him? I opened the third drawer, before I could even look inside it.

Gray came over towards me and pressed me against him. My back colidided with the desk top. I was between him and the desk. His strong hands were pressed against the top of the desk.

I couldn't escape. I was trapped.
He leaned in closer towards me, don't do this to me,now. I could feel my heart racing. "Give it to me" I demanded. "Give me the divorce agreement" A smirk formed on his face.

"You think I'm going to let you go. Never. As long as I'm alive I won't ever let you go." Gray said. How powerful was this man to make me feel like this? I felt as if I couldn't even breathe, this man next to me made me feel miserable and hopeless. I could never imagine what my life would be like without him.

I won't ever let her free, If she leaves me I don't know what I'll do. "Don't even think about it, Juvia. I don't plan on giving you to that bastard" Her eyes widened, she knew I referred to Lyon.

"Stop involving him in it" She said it in a demanding tone.

"Why can't I?" Why does she defend him? "I'm warning you, Juvia. Don't mention his name."

"Lyon won't.." she was saying.

I warned you. Juvia I pressed my lips against hers. Her hands pressed against my chest. I pulled away after realizing how much she was trying to get away.

"Don't mention his name with those lips. I'm warning you, the next time it won't end with a kiss"

She pressed her hands against her lips. "Give me the divorce. Gray" she was back at it again. She didn't mention the kiss, I enjoyed the tiny tint of red that had flushed across her beautiful face.

I wanted to see more of it, I wanna kiss her more. My ignorance made her mad, she stormed off of the office.

- Jellal and Erza


I opened the door, Erza stood before me. "Erza" it was the first time she came over to my place. She didn't wait for me to invite her in. I followed her as she sat on the couch."What is it?" I asked her.

Unwanted Wife (Gruvia- Fairytail)Where stories live. Discover now