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-Erza pov-

"You idiot! Seriously you freakin opened your wound." I yelled at Juvia.

"Erza, calm down. It's not a big deal." Juvia was smiling. How could she be such an idiot? I worry about her.

"You always make us worry." Mira said as she went and sat beside Juvia.

"Mira, when did you reach here?" Juvia asked Mira.

"Erza came to pick me up from the airport. A while after we got lucy's call. " Mira answered her.

"Who is it? Who is the one your marrying? Is it actually Gray?" Juvias bright smile dissapeared from her face.

"Yes! It's Gray fullbuster, do you know him?" She asked.

"Gray ....Gra..y yeah,we know him." I responded.

"Gray.What kind of fate do you have. What about bora?" Mira brought up Bora.

"He left me 4 years ago. He died. He left me" Juvia said. I saw the tears she was holding in. It hurted me to see her like this.

"Wh..what do you mean? What do you mean he died? You loved him." Mira said.

"Why didn't you tell me!" Mira yelled.

"He died in a car accident with the girl he was cheating on with me. " Juvia told her. "I didn't tell you because, you were writing your medical examination and if I told you, you would have left your exam and came back for me"

"Idiot why would you care about those things....I should have been there for you."Mira said. I knew Mira was mad about the fact that we all hid this from her.

"She thought of him like half of her soul." I told Mira.

"Soul...I was a fool " Juvia said in anger "He fell in love with me to take papas company."

Juvia loved Bora with all he had and he did that to her.

"What do you mean....you were both in love"!Mira questioned.

"I was the only one who loved him." Juvia answered. Her voice was weak. She placed her hands on her temple.

"She denied it for a long time, she denied that it was some other girl he knew." I told Mira.

"He was in a relationship with her way before me." Juvia said.

"Oh my !Do you know who it was?" Mira asked.

"It was Karen Lilica, " I said.

Karen was one of our seniors in highschool. It was a shock to all of us when we heard she was dating Loke who was 4 years younger to her. Both Juvia and Loke loved them with all they had. None of us never knew Lilica and Bora were cheating on Juvia and Loke with each other.

"Karen Lilica....wasn't she loke's girlfriend"  Miras eyes widened.!

"Yeah, she was. I still can't face Loke. It's been almost 5 years now." Juvia sighed.  "You guys, stop looking at me like that" she whispered as her eyes teared up.

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