Champa x Sad Reader

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You sighed watching the sunset fall. Things were not going to well. You felt lost, alone, and scared. You were going through a rough patch and it made you feel alone in this huge world.

You were currently out walking trying to get your mind off of your life. Anything would help you right now. At least that's what you thought. You sighed feeling like you wanted to curl up in a ball.

You wished somehow you would be able to just forget everything for a little while. You sighed again than turned and knocked into someone. You fell backwards and hit the ground. "Ow!" A loud voice yelled. "Lord Champa you should pay more attention." A teasing voice mocked him. You looked up rubbing your head. A tall beautiful woman with long hair was trying not to laugh. She had on a long green dress with strange designs.

"Vados! I was talking to you when this happened!" He yelled. "Ohhohoho." That laugh reminded you of Whis. In fact she reminded you of Whis a whole lot. Than you looked at her companion. "You look like Lord Beerus." You commented. "Of course he does he is his older brother Lord Champa." The female Known as Vados explained. You blinked.

Your eyes widened and you suddenly bowed to Champa. "I'm so sorry for knocking into you! I wasn't paying attention." You said casting your eyes down. Champas eyes widened and Vados looked stunned. "It's uh, not anything to worry about." Champa replied looking away while blushing at the sincerity in your voice.

You raised your head. "I'm glad." You simply said trying to smile. Champa crossed his arms and frowned. This was one of his rare moments where he could be observant. Still he turned to Vados and whispered something in her ear. She simply nodded. Champa hummed than tapped his chin. He whispered something else to Vados and she looked surprised but nodded yet again. "It was nice meeting you.." she paused. "Yourname." You stated feeling embarrassed for not saying it sooner. Vados smiled than disappeared. Champa grinned. "If you wouldn't mind, Im incredibly bored and thought I'd hang out with you for a while." You were shocked but you nodded. You didn't want to be alone and Champa seemed nice enough.

Champa happily followed you around. "So what's your favorite food?" Champa asked you while grinning. You thought for a moment than said "(favorite food.)" Champa seemed pleased with that. You both went and grabbed some of it from the closest restaurant or store. Than Champa hummed again.

"So why are you out here all alone?" He asked you while biting into the food. You blinked. "I just needed some air." You replied hoping that you wouldn't have to go into detail. Champa studied you. "Just so you know, I can tell your lying to me, if you want to talk about it I'm here." You shook your head.

"I'm sorry. I would rather forget it." Champa smiled. "Than lead on human! We've got a huge town to explore!" You laughed. Champa and you ended up grabbing ice cream, going shopping, watching a movie, and finally you both were walking through the park. You watched the sun start to fall and you shivered.

Champa frowned. "Are you cold?" He asked you curiously. You nodded. He looked around and spotted someone selling warm drinks from a stand.  He rushed over and grabbed two of them paying with Bulmas card. He brought it back to you and you happily drank it.

"Oh, I love hot chocolate!" You exclaimed drinking it happily. Champa grinned than gulped all of his down. His eyes widened and he started fanning his tounge. "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, it's hot." He said looking around franticly. You could only watch him feeling bad you didn't say to drink small sips.

He ran off with incredible speed than he seemed like he was almost crawling back? "I bought some cold soda." Was all he could get out as he panted. You looked down. "I'm sorry, if I had told you it was hot that wouldn't of happened." Champa looked up at you. "It's fine." Was all he said before he straightened up. He held out his hand to you. "Come on, let's go find somewhere warm." You nodded grabbing his hand. You didn't see Champas blush. You were blushing as well.

You both entered a cafe and you relaxed letting yourself warm up. Champa pulled out your seat for you. Than he sat down across from you. You were curious about something but have been afraid to ask about it all evening.

You looked up at Champa. He was happily munching on some pie. "Lord Champa?" You asked him softly. He stopped and looked at you with crumbs on his face. "Why have you spent the whole day with me? I mean it's been a lot of fun but I..I'm just confused." You said staring at his pie. Champa wiped his face. "I noticed you were sad." You blinked. "What?" Champa looked away. "My brother is the scary one, not me." He replied. He looked at you.

"Sure I can be just as scary and demand the same amount of respect." Champa grinned at you. "But personally I can't ignore it when someone beautiful looks so sad. At least not a human. You get this sad look like someone's kicked you or something." Champa said crossing his arms. You blushed. Champa noticed and scratched his head. "So uh..Do you want to maybe.. go out some time?" You laughed and Champas ears dropped. "Isn't that what we did today?" You asked smiling brightly. His ears perked up. "Yes, and it was great."

He said finishing his pie. You grinned. "I would love to hang out with you again." You said blushing. Champa grinned like he just robbed the bank of sweets. He looked so cute you couldn't help it when you leaned forward and kissed him on the lips. Your eyes widened and you pulled back to apologise but Champa grabbed your neck gently and pulled you back to him. He kissed you and licked your lower lip. You pulled back blushing. Champa grinned.

"Did you think you were the only bold one here?" He said grabbing your hand. He kissed it and you watched him gently hold your hand. "I think it'd be a good time to head back and meet up with Vados now." Champa said. You nodded. He never let go of your hand as you left the cafe.

"I'll make sure you stay happy!" Champa silently promised. He walked with you and put his arm around you. You leaned your head on his shoulder forgetting everything that bothered you. Sure you couldn't forget it forever. However, you had a strange feeling that Champa would be there to help you through it. You smiled. You were happy.

AN: so yes still updating!! :D

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