Whis x reader Teach me to dance

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(An: I'm going to try to insert music into this one shot. I don't know if it will work but I really hope it does.)

Whis danced around the temple singing songs. He actually had an amazing voice. He just sung horribly to Beerus to mess with him. He was entranced in his own little world. He spun and sung his heart out not knowing you were watching him. You had been lounging on the sofa when Whis had walked into the room singing and dancing. Beerus had left with Goku and Vegeta to go train in another universe. Whis was left to guard the temple and Beerus ordered you to stay and keep Whis company. You swayed your head to the sound of Whis's soothing voice. He moved gracefully and it made you a little envious. He was amazing. It wasn't long before you started singing with him. You sang your heart out and it made Whis stop and smile at you. "I didn't know you had such a beautiful voice, (Yourname). You've been holding out on me." Whis pouted. "So you knew I was here?" You asked blushing. "Yes of course. Your the only one I feel like my self around." You grinned. "I'm glad." Whis walked over to you with his hand outstretched. "May I have this dance?" You shook your head. "I can't dance." You stated simply. "I'll teach you." Whis grabbed your hand and led you to the dance floor. He spun you in circle's and you both glided across the floor. You laughed having fun. "See your a natural!" Whis gushed. "Only because your leading." You giggled. Whis placed your arms around his neck and his arms on your waist. You both slow danced while Whis sung softly and you swore the world slowed down with you both. All you saw was Whis and you felt peaceful. You placed your head on his shoulder and you both continued to slow dance for quite a while. Than at the end of his song he dipped you down and gave you a butterfly kiss. You blushed and felt your legs get weak but Whis held you in his strong grip. You weren't going to fall. He smiled at you. You smiled back at him and leaned forward. You gave him an Eskimo kiss. He giggled and you giggled with him. Whis held you in his arms and swayed to him singing some more. You smiled and danced with him. He taught you how to dance and you taught him something no one should ever forget. How to have fun and to sing freely.

Beerus watched from Vados's staff in the other universe. Goku and Vegeta were training and Beerus clenched his fists. "I knew that bastard could sing!"

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