Lord Beerus x Chubby reader part 2

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You were at home freaking out. You had called Jaco and he had agreed to meet you back at your place. It was extremely late and you couldn't stop thinking about your predicament. You grabbed your favorite throw blanket and hid away from the world watching 13 going on 30 (its a great movie!) until you heard a knock on your door. You sighed and made your way to your door. You threw your blanket off and straightened your dress. I hope he can help. You thought feeling distressed. You opened the door and Jaco stood there smiling. He was standing with his arms at his sides. "Alright (Yourname!) What did you need so..late?" Jaco stared at you bug eyed. You felt upset on the inside. You see Jaco did have a crush on you but he always through out ideas for you to diet or excorsize. He said it in a nice way but it made you feel like he'd never except you. You felt bad but it really did hurt. Maybe he was a concerned friend but his words tore into you. It's not like you haven't tried to diet. You had tried multiple diets and tons of work outs. None of it worked. Your last resort was diet pills. You had heard some pretty horrifying things about them. When ever you were really depressed you would pull out those pills and stare at them, but you never took them. You smiled at Jaco. "Hey Jaco!" You said happy. Jaco pulled himself together. "Hey, (Yourname) you look different." Jaco stated staring in awe. You grinned. "You can blame Bulma it was her idea." You ushered Jaco inside and you both sat down in your living room. You fixed you both some tea. "So the reason I asked you here was because I agreed to show Lord Beerus around tomorrow." Jaco spit his tea out. "Are you nuts!" Jaco asked shaking. You groaned and explained your situation to him. He laughed. "You wanna do what? Why would you hide your weight?" You glared at him. "I don't want him to know how much I weigh. He'll just treat me different like everyone else." Jaco sighed. "Its to bad you can't loose weight in 24 hours." Jaco stated looking deep in thought. You glared daggers at him. "Not helping, Jaco." You practically growled. Jaco could be hurtful with out knowing it. You sighed. "It's okay I'll figure it out." Jaco nodded. "Please don't get hurt (Yourname)." Jaco said in a soft voice. "I'll be fine." You replied quietly. He nodded than he left you alone to think about what was to come tomorrow.

In the morning: You woke up early and hunted through your clothes. Finally you decided on wearing a pair of jeans and a baggy shirt. You noticed it looked almost as good as the dress. You stared down at the corset on the ground. "Your never going to be worn again!" You warned it staring at it with pure hatred. It took two hours just to get it off. You thought about going to the store to buy a body slimmer outfit. That thought disappeared when you heard a knock on your door. You gave yourself a pep talk and ran to the door opening it. Standing there looking a little tense was Lord Beerus and his attendant Whis. "Sorry, for not mentioning this sooner but Whis has been dying to see more of earth. So he's coming with us but he'll keep out of our way." You bowed. "It's a pleasure to meet you Whis!" You replied. "Im delighted. Lord Beerus you found someone with manners?" Whis questioned laughing. Beerus growled shaking his fist at Whis. "Quiet! Does Goku or Vegeta have manners?" Beerus huffed and Whis grinned. You cleared your throat. "Shall we get going?" You asked ready to head out. "Yes, lead the way." Beerus stated. His eyes lingered on you making your stomach do Summersaults. You walked out and led them to a place you enjoyed. The park in West City. Whis and Lord Beerus enjoyed themselves finding animals and petting them. The cutest moment was when Beerus found a kitten. It followed him around until he finally gave in and started petting it. Next you all went by your favorite bookstore and Whis ended up buying two humongous piles of books. Beerus was bored their it made him yawn. Next you all went to a fighting dojo and Beerus entertained himself by fighting anyone brave enough to step forward. He won every match of course and he was even awarded a medal. It inflated his ego for a while. You took Beerus and Whis to the mall. That was a horrible idea that you couldn't see from the beginning. Whis and Beerus were like children in the mall. Whis had went to five different oil and soaps shops, while Beerus had insisted on the athletic shops and the movie store. They both dragged you through clothes and jewelry shops. You found out how much Beerus loved jewelry. Apparently a lot. Which made sense considering he was a giant cat. You giggled as Beerus tried on different bracelets. His original gold ones still looked the best on him. Although you had to admit the silver was amazing on him as well. You smiled watching him pose in front of the mirror. Oh Beerus..you giggled to yourself. Than you were brought back to reality when those girls who were at the party decided to enter the store. You looked around and hid into a belt rack. Beerus looked confused he had been watching you. He walked over to the belt rack he stood in front of you. "Why are you hiding?" Beerus asked while watching the store. He tried to act natural. "Are those girls gone yet?" Beerus zoned in on the girls. They look like their about to leave." You sighed happily. "Oh thank goodness." You breathed out in releif. What Beerus didn't know was that there were five girls who entered the store and one was missing. The belts behind you separated and someone tapped your shoulder. (AN: IM NOT NAMING THE MEAN GIRLS I DONT WANT THEM TO HAVE YOUR NAME BY ACCIDENT.) You turned to see the tall mean girl. She was the second in command basically. "Girls! Look who I found! It's (Yourname!)" She said in a nasally voice. They rushed over and Beerus decided he'd blend into the background for a moment. "Wow, I can't believe she fits in there." A girl said while laughing. "Yeah, I hope she doesn't get stuck." Another girl laughed. "That would be tragic." Another girl stated laughing. "Girls that's mean! You aren't even thinking about the man or woman who will be forced to help her out!" A girl giggled. "Or forklift." Another girl commented. You felt the warm tears slide down your face and you backed out of the belt rack falling backwards. You couldn't stop crying and it was embarrassing. You would never get rid of these girls. They will always bring you down. You cried into your hands. "Can you believe she's trying to hide her weight? Maybe its for a guy? He must be blind!" All the girls laughed. You started sobbing. Than a loud smack echoed through the air. You looked up to see the store a mess and the girls were thrown against the wall. Beerus's purple aura surrounded him. He looked deadly. You heard Whis come up behind you he leaned down and placed a hand on your shoulder. He looked at the girls with venom in his eyes. "Whis?" He pulled you back a little and he handed you a handkerchief. Than he stared at you with a closed eye smile. "Don't worry Beerus will take care of it." Whis stated moving his band to rub your back soothingly. "So you think your better than (Yourname?) You idiots." Beerus crushed some wood in his paw. He let the dust fall to the ground. "I'm going to paint a picture for you." He got close to the girls. " If you say one more word I'll break your bones while laughing. I'll make you suffer for thinking you can insult (Yourname) without any consequences." Beerus grinned with a dark look in his eyes. "The last thing I'll do is make you watch as your world burns over and over again until it haunts you. This is my promise to all of you. A God cannot break his promise." Beerus stated venomously. The girls were huddled together crying. You were trembling. Beerus walked over to you. He grabbed your hand and dragged you outside with Whis. Beerus only had to say Whis's name. Whis nodded and whis summoned his staff. "Are you leaving?" You asked feeling upset. Beerus brought you closer to him. "Were all leaving. I can't stay here right now or else I'll destroy this planet." Your eyes widened. You finally understanding the gravity of the situation. Beerus placed his hand on Whis's shoulder and he held you close to him. You all took off in a bright light and you held on to Beerus tighter. The ride was silent and as soon as you made it to Beerus's planet. He left you and Whis. "Let me show you to the guest room, miss (Yourname)" whis stated leading you inside the temple. "Whis? Is he gonna be okay?" You asked worried. "Give him some time to cool off, I'm sure he'll come see you soon." You nodded. "Okay." Whis led you to a large room, it had a nice king size bed and it was covered with red decorations. "This is the guest room? Its like a pent house!" You shouted. Whis laughed. "It was my old room, I have a bigger one now so I figured you might like to use this one." You nodded. "Thanks." Whis smiled and he left you. You fell on the bed loving how comfy it was. You thought about Beerus and you were worried. Of course a small part of you was concerned with his threat. He kinda went to the extreme, but he stood up for you. You grinned feeling a happy feeling erupt through you. He stood up for me! You screamed to yourself happy. You fell asleep giddy. When you woke up and ate breakfast Beerus wasn't around. Days passed and he still didn't show up. You were beginning to think he regretted standing up for you. That couldn't be it..right? You paced your room. It had been five days now. You sighed. You had had enough. You tracked Whis down and all but demanded to see Beerus. "Are you sure you want to? He normally needs a few weeks to cool down. You shook your head. " I need to talk to him. To thank him for standing up for me." You bowed to Whis. "I also want to thank you for your kindness. You've been wonderful." Whis grabbed your shoulders. "You don't ever need to thank me for that." Whis said than he gave you a hug. He summoned his staff and tapped it against the ground. You felt yourself lift into the air and shoot off like you were being thrown. It took minutes until your feet landed on the ground again. You were in a weird place it looked like a barren wasteland. "Beerus!" You yelled cupping your hands around your mouth. No reply. You walked around searching for him. Moments later you saw a figure sitting down looking like he was struggling to breath. "Beerus!" He turned to look at you. "Hello, (Yourname) how long have I been gone?" Beerus asked stretching out his arms and legs. "Five days." Beerus nodded. That sounds about right." He got up and yelled. "Whis bring us home!" Beerus scratched his ear. You wanted to talk. "Wait! I wanna talk to you." Beerus sighed. "Hang on Whis!" Beerus turned to you. "What is it?" He asked yawning. "Why did you stand up for me? You know I'm not skinny." You stated looking at the ground. Beerus growled a little bit. "Did you want them to make fun of you? Did you want me to stay out not it?" Beerus looked as if the idea of staying out of it repulsed him. "I never wanna get teased, I'm glad you stood up for me. I just don't know why you did it." You cried. "I'm not pretty like other girls, I don't have that perfect hourglass figure. I have to get new clothes all the time. I hide from mirrors and people. I've tried so hard to loose the weight but nothing works." You cried some more, "I just don't understand, why you were so protective of me. I'm not a beauty queen, I'm just so..." Beerus covered your mouth with his paw. "Whis take us to the garden planet." "Right." You and Beerus were whisked away to a garden planet. "This planet has always been uninhabited." Beerus explained taking his paw off your mouth. "Follow me, girl." He replied and you followed with out arguing. You could hear the sound of rushing water. Beerus covered your eyes and walked you towards the view. "I wish you could see what I see when I look at you. This might help a little. Beautiful doesn't even cover a tenth of what you are." Beerus removed his hands and you were amazed. You saw a giant waterfall, green grass and tree's. Hills with flowers of the rainbow and the sky was purple and blue. "When I look at you I see this place." Beerus admitted. "Your thoughtfulness, kindness, and personality are the highlights. Your body is just a bonus." Beerus grabbed you and embraced you. He moved his mouth to your ear. "In my family women with meat on their bones are sought after and treated like the royal beauty's they are. Your more than beautiful, so don't let your feelings get hurt. You are gorgeous. I don't know how men stay away from you honestly." Beerus growled seductively in your ear and your knee's buckled. He kept you steady. "If you give me a chance I'll treat you like the natural goddess you are. I've been thinking and I can't think of much else will you let me court you my goddess of beauty. You were crying again. You nodded and your heart felt happy at his words. Beerus smiled. He hugged you than kissed you on your lips." I guess Earth living wasn't such a bad thing." Beerus admitted holding you close. You laughed. Beerus was full of surprises and you were sure you'd love each one you discovered. "I guess your right." You giggled. Beerus kissed you again and you felt something you'd been waiting for. Acceptance.

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