Whis x female Saiyan reader

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An:Don't kill me..I've been researching female Saiyans so..hopefully this is correct.

Your pov:
You ran as fast as your legs would let you. Your pursuers were feirce and didn't give up easily. You were in the woods on a planet called Krago. It was a small forest terrain planet, the Saiyans had wiped out the inhabitants years ago. That's why no one expected your mother to flee their with you when news of planet vegeta's destruction was heard. Your mother had passed away only a year ago leaving you alone. You greived for a long time, in fact it still hurts to think about her. She was a rare saiyan, for she was not evil but kind. So naturally you followed in her footsteps and was a kind hearted person. You lived in a small house and grew curious when you heard strange noises. You saw figures and you panicked. Now here you were running away from what was left of friezas minions. Your mother told you stories about them and you were terrified. Yes, you did train and you were fairly strong. However if their were to many enemies you'd be in trouble. You felt your heart explode with joy. Just up ahead was the pod your mom used all those years ago. You opened it and immediately set a course for anywhere but your current destination. You strapped the seat belt on and prepared for lift off. You prayed that you wouldn't end up anywhere more dangerous then here. The pod took off and you screamed when you felt the impact of kai blasts. Friezas  men were gaining. You were in the fight or flight mode, so you hit the hyper speed button. You smiled to yourself happy that you had installed it. Their was a countdown of five seconds then your body slammed against the seat knocking the air from your lungs. The gravity was crazy and you being in panic mode forgot to fix the gravity frequencies. So for the next five hours you thought you were going to die. Then a red light started flashing. WARNING..COLLISION COURSE IMMINENT. YOU ARE IN DANGER TAKE PRECATIONARY ACTIONS. You freaked out as the little message popped up on your screen. You could see some weird looking temple, and you were confused. Where am I..? You crashed into a lake. Water filled the pod and you freaked out you couldn't get the door open. A loud alarm went off and you banged against the door. "Help!" You screamed at the top of your lungs.

Whis pov:
Lord beerus and I were enjoying some steak, vegetables, and ice cream in the dining room. Bulma had been kind enough to send it with Goku and Vegeta. They left it here with us before they returned home to see their family. I happily ate some more Ice cream and moaned. "I'm so happy we found earth. We should really get these recipes. I'll ask miss Bulma about it next time we visit." I said happily. Beerus nodded with a satisfied grin. "Indeed, their food is truly remarkable." He said while licking his lips. I smiled. "So when will we be departing? I asked in a serious tone. Beerus tapped a finger to his chin. "How many planets have I destroyed in the last few months?" I thought for a moment. "Around, 153." Beerus's eyes grew wide. "That many? Already? That's impossible!" I sighed then summoned my staff and tapped it against the ground. Images of Beerus destroying all those planets showed all around us. He sweat dropped. "I thought the max was supposed to be a hundred every fifty years. To maintain the BALANCE of the universe." Beerus said while emphasizing balance with his fingers. I sighed. "Yes but the new kai of creation has been creating to many planets. The balance would have been upset if you didnt destroy more then 100. However I think 153 will do for now. Last I heard they had told the new Kai to stop creating planets." I finished while also finishing my Ice cream. Beerus just nodded then stretched. "Great, now I'm bored. Hey Whis let's spar!" I smiled at the challenge. "You really wanna spar Lord Beerus?" I asked amused. "Of course, I can't let Goku or Vegeta surpass me by getting farther then I did fighting you." Beerus replied smirking showing his teeth. "Ohhohoho, I haven't seen you this motivated in a long time. Alright let's spar.." I was interrupted when something crashed into the lake startling the fish. I frowned. Just when Beerus finally seemed ready to take things more seriously. Beerus jumped up from the table and preceded to search the lake with his eyes through the glass of the aquarium type lake. I stood up and walked over to him and searched the lake. The dust settled and we saw a pod. I blinked. Odd. "Hey Whis isn't that a pod used by the Saiyans?" Beerus asked sounding curious. "Yes it is." I replied recognizing it immediately. Beerus grinned the stretched reaching his hands up over his head. He walked out of the room. "Cmon Whis lets go check for survivors." I took one last glance at the pod then followed Beerus. Very odd indeed.

Whis and Lord Beerus oneshots!! (:حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن