Lord Beerus x (Neko) Reader

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AN:I just wanted to be completely honest I had to research Neko online..so hopefully this will turn out okay (: and if you find errors please, please, please, let me know (:

You walked down the street towards Goku and Vegeta. It was close to Valentines Day and they both needed serious help in the romance department. Goku had kindly asked you to come with them and help them search for something romantic for their wives. Vegeta had just turned his head and scoffed while scowling. Typical Vegeta, to proud to accept help on almost anything. You just sighed. Then adjusted your red hat and jacket. You were part human, part cat. You had adorable black furry ears, a long black tail, and claws on your fingertips. No one knew who your parents were sense you were found alone at a young age, but you were okay. You had accepted all your friends as your family, and the moment you would get lonely someone was always their to cheer you up. It was nice and made you happy even on your darkest days. Your hat and jacket hid your ears and tail, and gloves and shoes hid your claws. It's not that you hated your appearance, you just liked taking a break from all the weird stares you would get. So currently you were wearing your red hat, jacket,Black Veil Brides t-shirt, gloves, blue jeans, and black boots. You nearly groaned. As soon as you made it within hearing distance you could already here Goku and Vegeta arguing. "Don't be an idiot Kakorat! She would never like that!" Vegeta said gruffly while crossing his arms. "Aw, come on Vegeta don't be like that Bulma would love that necklace! I got her one like that a few years ago and she loved it!" Goku pouted while pointing to a seashell necklace that was currently displayed in the window of the shop. "She was just being nice." Vegeta stated lamely. Goku sighed. You walked up behind them and cleared your throat. "Are you two done fighting yet?" Goku jumped in the air and Vegeta glared and proceeded to rant and rave. "Dammit woman! Don't sneak up on us like that do you want to die?" You glared at both Goku and Vegeta and they stiffened. "Shut up, I'm here to help you both find something for your wives for Valentines Day! So stop fighting already and lets start looking!!" Goku grinned nervously and scratched his head while Vegeta just looked away. So two hours later you had been to seven different stores. After much deliberation and death glares from you to Vegeta. You had found a heart shaped necklace and had Goku's and ChiChi's names engraved on it for Goku, and you had also helped Vegeta by picking out flowers, chocolates, and a red velvet teddy bear that said Bulma on its stomach in cursive. Both Goku and Vegeta had everything wrapped and placed in bags. It was now eleven thirty am and you all grew hungry so you stopped and ordered some pizza. Goku and Vegeta ate three pizza's themselves then decided they would have a contest to see who could eat the most while you almost finished a full pizza by yourself. When you were all done eating they had devoured twelve pizza's each and you had finished a pizza and some salad with your favorite dressing. You all left after Vegeta and Goku payed for the pizza. You shivered at the thought of their grocery bill. It was around one o clock when Goku and Vegeta decided they wanted to spar. You had rolled your eyes and held their bags and Goku had a bright Idea. "Hey lets go train with Mr. Whis!" Vegeta had quickly agreed and you carrying their bags had no choice in the matter. Goku ran off and came back with five trays of different desserts. Ranging from cakes, cupcakes, pudding, cookies, and ice cream. You groaned inwardly and hoped you wouldn't have to carry those to. Thankfully Vegeta carried them in one arm while placing the other on Goku's shoulder. You just stared at Goku's other exposed shoulder and started to have second thoughts about going. You had never met Lord Beerus or Whis but you heard all about them. Well except for their appearance. You gulped and tried to keep your composure. You had heard that they looked intimidating and it was unsettling. You being the natural strong person you were, decided to rid yourself of these fears and placed your free hand on Goku's shoulder. In an instant you felt the sensation of your feet leaving the ground then finding it again. It made you dizzy and you fell forward and Goku caught you and steadied you. "Sorry, (Your-name!) I should have told you to close your eyes." Goku said while looking apologetic. Your eyes were spinning. "It's okay." You said while trying not to throw up. When your head finally started to regain balance you heard light and heavy footsteps make their way towards your location. You glanced up and did a double take, first you saw a tall light sky blue man wearing strange maroon robes. He held a hand behind his back and the other at his side. His hair was styled up and his face was slightly feminine but it was beautiful. He was staring at Goku and Vegeta with a half amused and annoyed look. Nothing could compare to the person standing next to him. He was a giant purple cat! He had on brown shoes with a gold ring around each ankle, and blue pants with a dark blue sash around his waist. A piece of clothing that sort of resembled a large tie went down to his knees with three diamonds on it. The first two were yellow and the third orange. He didn't wear a shirt which made you blush and raise your hood from your jacket. He had a strange chest piece on that matched the tie, and he had on a gold necklace, bracelets, and ear ring. His ears were really tall and cute in your opinion. The last and best detail was his muscular form. You were ready to go hide somewhere until your blush ceased. It made you feel weak and you didn't like that one bit. He didn't look amused like the sky blue man, in fact he looked majorly pissed off. "Do you earthlings think you can come here when ever you please? This is not an attraction site! This is my domain and you invading it more then necessary is starting to annoy me!" He yelled while exposing his teeth.So the cat is Lord Beerus and that means the sky blue man is Whis you thought to yourself. Goku jumped in surprise and held his hands in defense. "I'm sorry Lord Beerus I was just wandering if Mr. Whis felt like training!" Goku said frantically then grabbed the sweets from Vegeta. "See we brought you both.." Lord Beerus snatched the sweets from Goku and was examining them with Whis. "They do look lovely, Lord Beerus." Whis stated while grabbing a cupcake, which was a chocolate one with dark chocolate icing. He ate it and did the oddest thing you've ever seen a teacher do. He squealed in delight and ate a few more while blushing. Lord Beerus sniffed a cupcake then ate it whole and grinned like he had won the prize of his life. "Alright, you can train after we eat these fascinating sweets." Goku energetically jumped in the air and tried to give Vegeta a high five which resulted in Vegeta ignoring him. You sighed in slight annoyance. Then you screamed and jumped. Lord Beerus was in front of your face. "Hey we haven't met yet have we?" Goku laughed nervously. "Sorry about that, Lord Beerus and Whis this is our friend (Your-name!)." Goku stated happily while pulling your hood off, unknowingly he accidentally pulled off your hat as well revealing your ears. You instantly freaked out and tried to cover your ears with your hands. Lord Beerus caught your hands before you had the chance. He just stared for a few moments. Then he started to pet and rub your ears and you started to purr. His eyes widened. "Their real? I thought this was some head piece you mortals wear for..um.." Lord Beerus hummed. "Halloween." Whis stated before eating some more sweets. "Yes, Halloween." This made you sad and annoyed, you felt like he just majorly insulted you. He didn't like your ears he was just like everyone that stared at you. You started to cry and tried to push Lord Beerus away from you. "YES YOU BIG DUMMY OF COURSE THEIR REAL! YOUR A CAT YOURSELF! YOU SHOULDN'T BE SURPRISED WHY WOULD YOU INSULT ME LIKE THAT!" As you were yelling your tail had slipped out from your jacket and straightened with the fur on it looking like it had been electrified. (AN: its like a cat when their surprised or hissing.) You looked around and saw the forest and ran into it taking your gloves and shoes and jacket off to run faster while crying your heart out. It wasn't completely Lord Beerus fault, but over the years you had a lot of pent up emotions. Lord Beerus looked in the direction you had ran off into the woods. Then he looked at Whis, Goku, and Vegeta. "Did I strike a nerve?" Goku frowned and Vegeta looked pissed. "(Your-name!) hasn't had the easiest life. He/She grew up with out parents, a lot of the time He/she was laughed at or picked on because of the way He/She looked. You saying that about his/her ears must have really hurt his/her feelings." Goku said while sighing and looking in the direction you had left. "I'll go find him/her." Goku said and had started to walk in the direction you went. Lord Beerus put a hand on Goku's shoulder stopping him. "No need, I'll go find your friend." Lord Beerus stated while walking forward towards the forest with his hands behind his back. Whis took this opportunity to talk. "Do be gentle bringing him/her back Lord Beerus!" Lord Beerus just waved his hand. "I'm always gentle, Whis." Whis sighed. "And the biggest lie was told today." Whis whispered then shook his head, then he walked over to Goku and Vegeta. "Alright let the training begin!" Whis said while getting into his graceful fighting stance. Meanwhile you were lost and didn't really care. You had stopped crying and now you were just sad. You felt emotionless and drained and just wanted to fall asleep somewhere. So you looked around and spotted a huge lake with odd trees near it. Not far from it was what you presumed to be Lord Beerus temple. It was like an old castle from a scary movie. Lovely. You just sighed and sat at the lake and stared at your reflection. Your face had seen better days all the crying made your eyes red and puffy and your cheeks were red. You sighed. "What's wrong with my appearance? Is it my ears and tail? Is it just me?" You wrapped your arms around your knees and curled into a ball. You didn't notice it but the (Pre-historic looking lockness monster.) had came up and was making its way towards you. It bit the back of your t-shirt and dragged you into the water while you screamed in terror. You couldn't breathe and water was filling your lungs, you felt yourself crying again. You tried to break free from its hold and then started to violently thrash around hoping someone would hear you. You had been rewarded with good luck. A fist came out of no where and had punched the creature making it release its hold on you and swim away quickly. Then you were grabbed by the back of your t-shirt and lifted into the air like grabbing a cat by the back of their neck. You looked up and saw it was Lord Beerus who was looking down at you smirking. you tried to claw him with your hands and feet while hissing. He just laughed and then the shirt ripped. You fell and and landed on your butt. Lord Beerus looked at you and blushed. You had not worn anything under the t-shirt. Your eyebrows lifted in confusion not feeling the fabric give way and you thought he had pushed you. Then you saw your shirt in his hands. You squeaked and covered your exposed chest/breasts. Lord Beerus couldn't help himself he laughed some more. You just started to shake and felt humiliated. He descended to the ground and walked towards you. You were normally a strong person but right now you didn't want to be near him. You jumped up still covering your self and started to run away. Lord Beerus appeared in front of you and stopped you by holding out your shirt to you. You stopped and glanced at the fabric and felt frustrated. "It's ripped." You stated almost coldly. He rolled his eyes and held the shirt horizontal and gave it to you. "Just cover up for a second." Lord Beerus stated annoyed. "Unless you wan't me to see your chest/breasts again." He stated while licking his lips slowly. You blushed and turned away and reached behind you for the shirt and covered your front. Then you glanced back at Lord Beerus and he was taking his chest piece off. You blushed. "What..what are you doing?" You asked ready to run. He just huffed and lifted his finger beckoning you to come to him. You walked over to him feeling like you wouldn't be able to run fast enough if you needed to. You gulped and he held his chest piece out to you. "Just turn around and put it over your..front. I will clip it in the back for you." He stated. Your eyes widened and you nodded. Then you turned and fit the chest piece over you and adjusted it. (If your a female you strapped it over your breasts like a bra, if your a male you just put it on the way its supposed to be worn."Okay, you can fix it now, no peaking." You said almost back to your regular tone. You felt his hands at your back and herd a snap and clip. "Don't worry I've already seen everything, so peaking won't be necessary." You immediately grew angry and swung around and tried to slap him. "You jerk!" You yelled. He caught your hand before you made contact with his face. He sighed. "Nice try, I've already been slapped by Bulma." He stated in a bored tone while smirking. You immediately felt the urge to kick him. So you tried and he blocked it. You then repeatedly tried punching and kicking him. He blocked each blow like it was nothing. Then he grabbed your arms and pinned you against the ground. "Are you finished? I came here to apologize and let you borrow my chest piece like a gentlemen when your shirt ripped!So you attack me for it!!?" You blushed and looked away. "I'm sorry I said your ears were like the ones earthlings wear for Halloween. Your ears and tail make you look nice and flatter your figure." Your blush grew and you were speechless. "Now stop trying to attack me before you make me really mad." You stayed perfectly still. He sighed. "You can still breath you know." You hadn't realized it but you had held your breath. "Anyways we should be getting back to Whis and the others before they think I killed you." He got up and started walking away then noticed you weren't following him and turned to see you standing up perfectly still. Tears made their way down your face and you were staying perfectly still. You looked up and saw Lord Beerus looking at you with a confused expression. You were so happy you ran forward and hugged him. No one had ever complimented you like that, sure Goku and Vegeta and their family's had said nice things, but Lord Beerus compliment made you feel truly accepted. He stiffened then slowly relaxed and started petting your head. "Thank-you Lord Beerus, for saving me and everything." You whispered. Then your eyes widened and you realized you had invaded his personal space. "I'm sorry! I wasn't thinking I.." He chuckled. Then he grabbed your face and stared into your eyes. "You really are a lovely creature." You lowered your head and laid your forehead against his chest hiding your crimson face. He wrapped his arms around you. Then you both levitated into the air and he took you to Whis, Goku, and Vegeta. They were all gathered in a circle eating pizza. Whis saw you and his eyes widened then he blushed and smirked. "Oh my, I didn't think you two would have enjoyed each others company in that manner." You frowned. "IT'S NOT LIKE THAT!" You yelled in defense. "DON'T START ASSUMING THINGS WHIS HIS/HER SHIRT RIPPED AND THAT WAS THE ONLY THING I COULD THINK OF." Lord Beerus yelled while shaking his fist. Whis laughed then walked over to you. "Would you prefer to change into something else?" You sighed. "Yes, please." Whis smiled. "I'll be right back." He said in his cheery voice then took off. You and Lord Beerus were both blushing and looking away from each other. Lord Beerus cleared his throat and gazed at you. "I would appreciate it if you graced Whis and I with your presence at dinner tonight." You smiled. "Are you asking me on a date." You stated teasingly. "NO I'M SIMPLY ASKING YOU TO JOIN US FOR DINNER TONIGHT!" Lord Beerus yelled while crossing his arms. "I wouldn't miss it." You stated happily. He smiled. "I'm glad you feel that way." Lord Beerus said in a quiet tone. Goku and Vegeta had been watching from the sidelines. "Well if you don't mind (your-name!) Vegeta and I are going to go back to earth ChiChi and Bulma have asked us to go to dinner with them. Don't worry I'll come back to get you later!" Goku stated happily. "If you forget him/her  I'll punish you." Lord Beerus threatened. Goku laughed nervously. "I won't forget him/her!" Then they left. Whis appeared with (outfit of your choice). You made Lord Beerus and Whis turn around while you changed into the outfit. When they turned around, Whis loved it and Lord Beerus wouldn't stop staring. Lord Beerus held out his arm to you and you took it without saying anything. Whis walked in front of you both and that's when Lord Beerus leaned forward and kissed your cheek. You smiled and blushed. Then he started to rub your ears and it caused you to rub your face against his cheek while purring. He chuckled then grabbed you with his right arm and held you against him. Whis who was pretending not to notice anything behind him sneakily took a picture of you both with his staff.

In the years to come you and Lord Beerus kept seeing each other. He kissed you and confessed his love for you near the lake. You to have been together for many years and are happily married. Whis never left you both. He was your best friend and you eventually became his student. You all lived happily ever after forever.

(An: yes Ik it doesn't seem like my normal writing. If it's different blame Bridget Mendler. I listened to her album while writing this thanks to my friend. lol. Anyways i wanted this fanfic to be for females or males. (: Also if your a guy reading this fanfic, sorry if your not naturally a shy guy but in this you are. That's why you cover up in front of Lord Beerus. (: Anyways I will do another Lord Beerus one next if anyone has any oneshot ideas and would like me to write it please post it in the comments. (: I hope you all enjoyed this one.)

Whis and Lord Beerus oneshots!! (:Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora