Beerus x reader trip to readers world part 3

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You just gawked at Beerus. You thought for a few moments. Not everyone will get this chance. "How long do I have to think this over?" Beerus seemed lost in thought for a moment. "Five minutes." You sighed. "Fair enough." You smiled thinking deviously. "I'm a little hungry actually. Do you know how to cook?" Beerus froze momentarily. "Of course I do. Do you think I'm useless!" He marched to your kitchen and began cooking. You sighed and followed him knowing this would end badly. He tried cooking a meal from the contents of your fridge and pantry. It wasn't looking good. Whenever Beerus finished the food was burnt and some of it was uncooked. You stared at the food with wide eyes. "Let's order a pizza." You suggested and Beerus nodded looking defeated. You ordered the pizza and thought some more. "Do you like puppets?" You asked curious. "What kind of question is that? Why would you ask..?" Beerus growled. "No." You held up your hands in defense. "I didn't ask anything yet." You said cautious. "I am not messing with puppets! I draw the line!" You frowned and gave beerus puppy eyes. "I love puppet shows!" He looked away annoyed. "No." You crossed your arms. "You said whatever I wanted!" Beerus's eyebrow twitched. "Fine." He grabbed you and led you to your room. He set you down on your bed and he grinned looking scary. Before you had time to react Beerus had strings around your wrists. "Now your the puppet." Beerus laughed. You frowned. "This wasn't what I meant. "To bad you didn't say you couldn't be the puppet." You just didn't argue back. You understood that arguing would be pointless at this time. So you let him walk you around the room and soon he was dancing with you around the room. You laughed at his antics. He smiled and took off the strings. Than he grabbed your waist and led you around the room. "Wait a second." You turned on some music than you both continued to dance. You laughed and he looked really happy. It was starting to get dark. "Now what would you like to do?" Beerus asked smiling. "Wanna watch another movie?" "Yes." Beerus scooped you up and carried you to your bed. (If you have no TV in your room than you went to the living room and he carried you to the sofa) You both watched Cinderella or (your favorite movie.) It was a lot of fun. Every little bit Beerus would glance at you. It made your heart race a little. You tried to focus on the movie but it wasn't happening. In fact you were sure you'd only seen five minutes of it. Most of the time you were thinking or stealing glances at Beerus. He looked so happy it made you want to smile. He glanced at you and you glanced at him at the same time. You both stared into each others eyes and you felt a peaceful sensation fall over you. You smiled at him and he returned it. He paused the movie. "I want you to return with me." You frowned. "Didn't you tell me that Whis said I couldn't go with you?" Beerus looked murderous for a second. "He did say that but I found out after returning that he just said that so he could leave to visit earth." You gulped hoping whis didn't get into to much trouble. "Hey Whis!" Beerus yelled. "Yes, my lord?" "I wanna come back now but id also likes to bring (Yourname) with me." "Alright, give me a moment please." You heard Whis tap the ground and you screamed as you and beerus were sent away with a bright light engulfing you. You had closed your eyes from the blinding light. "You can open your eyes now." An amused voice replied. You opened your eyes to see Whis smiling. "Wow, this is so awesome!" You looked around and sure enough you were in Beerus's temple. You immediately left to go exploring everywhere and Beerus and Whis watched you curiously. "I think she's enjoying herself." Whis commented. "Of course she is. This is my temple." Beerus stated proudly. Whis rolled his eyes. "Right." You were super excited and you couldn't contain yourself. You examined everything and loved it. You ended up touring the temple with Whis and Beerus following you. Beerus laughed. "Calm down! This place isn't going anywhere." You nodded. "Okay." Beerus led you around and showed you every room. When the tour was over you all were enjoying some refreshments and food. "So what do you think of this place?" Whis asked you curiously. "I love it!" You replied. (If you say you didn't like it whis frowned and looked a little upset.) Beerus grinned. "This place will always be open to you. You may come and visit whenever you want." "Really?" Beerus nodded. Whis handed you a necklace. "Just put it on when you want to come here." Whis instructed. You nodded. "Thank you." You happily put the necklace in your pocket. Beerus grinned. Whis looked pleased. You spent the rest of the day with them than Whis sent you home. You put the necklace up and grinned at it. You knew you'd be using that a lot.

Lord Beerus's temple:
I'm shocked Lord Beerus. Your really interested in this mortal aren't you?" "Yes, I don't know why but I want to learn more about her. I need to keep in contact with her Whis." Whis laughed. "I wouldn't worry. She'll be back soon enough." Beerus sighed. "How do you know?" Whis lifted his hand to reveal your (purse\id\car-keys\ or something important.) Beerus smirked.

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