"Be useful Damien check to see if he's seeing anyone." Daisy laughs with Jen. 

I rolled my eyes "Ladie's I'm not going to ask one of my students parent if they're single." 

"Just go do it, I owe you one." Jen winks.

Opening Winsor's door I saw the back of a man's head, his brown hair barely touched his back but it was still pretty long.

"Mr. Black." Winsor say's standing up and fixing his suit.

The man stood with him then turned around, it was the older gentleman that came inside with Roxanne last week "Hey I'm Louis Grey." He said reaching his hand out for me.

Jen and Daisy weren't lying when they said this man was handsome. I've only caught a glimpse of him last time I saw him with Roxanne. Soft-blue eyes, tidied hair, confident-smile and wearing a casual white-tee and blue jeans. Handsome isn't even the word for this guy, he's more like competition for me.

"Damien Black." I said shaking his hand.

Winsor sat back down and so did Louis. "Please sit Mr. Black." 

Doing as he said I sat next to Louis, across from Winsor. "So you didn't just call me here to meet a parent right? What's up?" 

"Always straight to the point with you." Winsor chuckles at my remark. "Do not worry you're in no trouble we just have a few questions for you.

'We' which implies her father has some questions for me as well "I'm sorry but you look oddly familiar, have we met before?" Louis ask's me.

"No. Not to my knowledge." My smile amplified at the thought this man has most likely seen me next door.

"Well then, I'm guessing from the last name you can tell whose parent this is. Right?" Winsor ask's me while leaning on his desk.

A dry chuckle escapes me "I'm just taking a gander here, Roxanne Grey?"

"You're indeed correct Mr. Black." Winsor says laughing.

"So...what about her?" I bravely asked trying to prevent the cowardly gulp that almost escaped.

Louis didn't look very happy when the conversation had gone from light to tense in a matter of seconds. Obviously their questions aren't going to be nothing but serious, clearly this has something to do with the dramatic changes in Roxanne. Which is nothing to be surprised about, question is though, what do they want with me? 

Not once have I complained about her. Sent a complaint, or spoke about her to any other teachers. In the teacher's-lounge most educators of our school critize Roxanne's new habits, one of them even had the odacity to call her an attention-whore. Since then it's become a habbit to grind my teeth everytime I see Ms. Walker so I don't curse her out.

"Actually I wanted to ask you about her. Principal Winsor tell's me your one of the teachers who hasn't reported her to the office. Why is that?" Louis looks at me with desperation to find answers.

There's nothing really to say, "Well she's barely in class, and when she is in class it's usually ten minutes before the period ends." I shrugged.

"Mrs. Clark also says she barely shows up to class anymore too." Winsor sighs. "Question is why?"

"Listen if you know anything, please tell me." Louis shakes his head "Roxanne's been bad, just never this bad. Her trouble-making has gotten extreme even for her, it's like she's a different person."

Seeing him so worried about Roxanne made me apprehensive as well, is this really all because of that day? "Don't worry." I said with a reassuring smile. "It's most likely a phase, she's probably trying to find who she is. Which is common among seniors."

Comfort filled his eyes "That...makes sense." He admits "I just hope this ends soon."

"We all do." I admit as well.


"Damien! Oh!...Yes—Yes!" Catherine moans.

After finishing her off I fell on to my side of the bed pretending to recapture my breath as if the sex was amazing. I've been doing that a lot lately, I don't want to be rude these women come for one-night-stands so why not make them feel like it was a good one.

Three-minutes passed and while Catherine got up to get dressed I went inside the drawer next to me. Grabbed a cigarette and a lighter. My nerves have gotten so worked up it's impossible to relax with just sex, now I have to work out for over an hour, drink a couple of beers, and smoke a few cigarettes. All that just to be able to sleep at night now.

"That was amazing Damien!" She said pulling up her pants "Dammit' George should be home now, I got to go. Let's do this again sometime, call me, okay?" 

Glacing at the clock I percieved it's one in the morning, fuck and this is a school night too. Guess I'm going to be calling in tomorrow, I can't possibly sleep for four hours and expect to be fine in the morning.

The door slammed downstairs.

That's when I got up to smoke the cigarette on my roof, and immediatley I saw something. Something that turned made my nerves go berserk—The light from Catherine's car shoned on Roxanne, going inside an unfamiliar car. Which happens to be owned by a guy who I've never seen before. Then if I thought I was bonkers before—seeing them kiss made me a lunatic.

Not an ordinary kiss either, I'm talking a he's getting her hot-and-ready for when he gets her home inside his bed kind of kiss. Nothing can compare to the possessive feeling I have for her right now, the sudden urge to hop off this roof and claim what should be mine—even if she's doesn't know she is. Even if I didn't know she was.

The car drove away with every piece of sanity I had left, and I swear it took the self-control sent straight from God himself to keep me still. These indescribable feelings are eating me up, I want what should've been mine already. I should've gotten her out of my system so this wouldn't happen—although I know that it wouldn't work. I've already come to facts that Roxanne is an endless craving.

Something you can't get enough of no matter how bad it is for you, no matter how much you shouldn't want it. You crave it and continue to crave it. And when someone else takes it, you're filled with this endless fury to take it back. 

Sleeping was going to be harder than moving mountains tonight. 


The sounds of a small bark echoes into my deceitful ears, a bark that I've become obsessively accustomed to. To me it meant one thing and that thought itself sent my heart straight into hyper-drive. Ten-thirty in the morning, and her dad's car isn't in the drive-way, there's only one person whose walking Marshmallow.

Without any hesitation I ran, ran down those stairs heading straight for the door. Hoping that my unreliable ears didn't trick me, and once that door opened I lost all senses of rationality.

Those gorgeous amber-eyes in awe, did something to me. And as our eyes locked on each other's I felt alive for the first time in week's. Roxanne Grey broke the lock of the box, and she sure as hell has some consequences to pay for it. Protecting her from it wasn't an option anymore I want her and fuck it I'm going to have her.

Whether she likes it or not. Whether it's bad or not. Whether it's dangerous for her or not.

She's my guilty-pleasure. No one elses. 

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