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We left the shopping centre pretty quickly I guess having two people collecting stuff would be a lot easier than one. I'm not really sure how shops were I've never really been in one to get as many groceries as Mother did. I usually went in there and took a couple of things and walked out. I'd never even seen how a register worked before it was all quite facisnating to be honest.

I knew the basic skills I had one set of parents that made me learn stuff, but they were into drugs and the lady was a prostitute so I didn't want to get involved with that type of stuff so I ran away, yeah sure it was good money but to have men touch you to get given money...that's disgusting. I would rather eat out of bins and at soup shelters then have someone touch me for money. That's my personal bubble it makes me shudder just thinking about how anyone could actually do that and think it's okay. Sorry I'm rambling. Anyway so I ran away when I was eleven so, shopping centres, school, and even a car is very new and different to me.

I can't believe this nice lady offered me to live with her for good I mean, that's so kind of her right? I've never lived in a house that was actually clean and tidy, it's always been a caravan or a crappy, dirty house with people who took drugs all the time. That's all I really remember about my childhood.. I remember standing around a fire bin to keep warm, my clothes were still damp from the storm the other night, I mean I couldn't exactly take them off and wash them I'd have nothing to wear. I was so greatful for this lady. She's saved my life. I think I'm going to be really happy.


We pulled up at this pathway. And turned into it. It felt like hours before we reached the front door. I kept looking at the clock. Fifteen minutes from the top of the road to the house! That's incredible!

The car came to a stop and the lady got out. I wasn't too sure to call her Mother yet, cause she wasn't my mother. She maybe one day. But for now I'd rather use her name.
"Excuse me. .Mother?" I looked her way.
"Yes honeybunch?" She smiled

"Is there any other name I could call you just for now until I get used to your kindness I don't feel right calling you mother." I said honestly.

She glared at me like I slipped up or something. "Darling Mother is fine. My name is Angelina, though I'd prefer you to call me Mum or Mother. But I guess if you must." She sighed heavily.  "Call me Angie...until you get settled." "I'd still prefer Mother." She smiled like she hoped I'd change my mind.

"Thank you..Angie slash Mother." I let out a small laugh.

Mother just smiled at me and rolled her eyes playfully. "Come on you let's go get you settled so you can meet your sister." She took my hand and we walked towards the house. My house. My new home.



I heard movement and talking upstairs obviously Mother had someone else here, I was going to call for help but I listened closer and it was a girl, she sounded the same age as me...So I didn't bother.

"Honey I'm home, and I have your new sister." I heard Mother call out as she walked down the stairs with another girl behind her. She looked about fifteen maybe sixteen. She had brown hair and brown eyes, she again looked like Mother and I. I sighed and answered.

"Hi Mother how was your day?" I smiled sweetly knowing maybe it wouldn't be long till we could get out of here.

"Wonderful, Krystella meet your new sister Avaleigh. Avaleigh this is your little sister Krystella." Mother smiled as she waited for us to say something.

"Hi Avaleigh, nice to meet you."

"Hi!! It's great to meet you!" She came over and hugged me.

"Now my darlings I have to put this shopping away for myself, I'll bring the stuff down for you in just a jiffy so you two can get to know each other and put yours away. Love you both." She blew a kiss and ran upstairs and closed it behind her.

"Did you know you were kidnapped! How come you came through the front door! I got knocked our and taken to the bedroom I woke up and the door was locked! How can you be okay with this?" I said loudly knowing Mother was outside getting shopping bags.

"What are you talking about Krystella, Angie, I mean Mother asked me to come live with her because she saved me from living on the streets. I went with her to get food and everything? You were kidnapped?  What do you mean? Didn't she ask if you wanted to be her daughter and save you from the bad life you lived?" She sounded shocked.

"No! I had a shelter I was living in. She took me." I yelled at her like she was deluded.

"Oh... Maybe that's not so bad? Maybe here will be better?" She shrugged and went to explore. "Can you show me around? Because I actually want to stay here it's so pretty in here! She sure knows how to decorate!" She clapped.

"You're crazy but okay...I do give her one thing though she knows how to cook...Really well." I hung my head in shame for praising the crazy bitch.

"Oh goodie she can teach me." She exclaimed! "Come on show me my room so I can see it I need to change out of these clothes I've been wearing them for four years." She said shyly.

"Wait what?  Four years!" I jumped backwards.

"Yes....I told you Angie, I mean Mother saved me." She sighed holding back tears.

"I can see why you like her." I said rubbing her shoulders. "Look I guess it could be worse.. but why do you keep saying Angie?" I raised my eyebrow.

"Because that's her name, Angelina slash Angie. I asked if I could because we'll I don't feel like her daughter yet.. she said I could but she would prefer Mother." She stated.

"Oh right. Fair enough, come on I'll show you to your room and the bathroom so you can change." I said calmly guiding her the right way.

"Thanks." She said softly and followed with me.

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