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I got up the stairs and quietly made me way to her bedroom door. I opened it so slowly it felt like a horror movie with me as the victim. The door was new so it didn't squeak at all.

I left it open because the whole house was dark so it made no difference.
I thought for a second. It's only me.. and only her... I can pull her into her own car and take her to the house no worries. Just then she sat up!

I PANICKED AND THREW HER BACK DOWN SHOVING THE PILLOW ON HER FACE WHILE I DID AND STABBED THE SHIT OUT OF THE PILLOW AS FAST AS I COULD AND SLUMPED TO THE FLOOR. I've fucked up....again.....now we will be caught....her bloods here.....I'm dead.....which means..... I felt my mask getting wet.. PULL YOURSELF TOGETHER ANGELINA!!!

I wrapped up the woman, the pillow and the sheet altogether and tied roped at each end.

There was blood on the mattress so I put her on the floor and tipped the mattress over. It was fine now. All clean. Well I can't clean it any other way so this will have to do. They will know they're dead when they find them but at least the house isn't dirty.

I took the sheets covered body and dragged it down the stairs and out the garage door where there car was. I got the keys before so I unlocked the car. Beep beep. Stupid central locking noisy things! I snarled to myself. I popped the boot and put the body in the boot. I was setting it alite but ripping out her jaw so dental records wouldn't be found. I ran back upstairs and grabbed my things and saw a purse on the entry stand and I took out the cash and put the purse back as it sat before. That's enough to get home I thought.. at least it was a Friday night I could catch a taxi with nothing suss.. I'd been out drinking.

I wrote a note on the bed of Amelia / Tarsha-Rose.

I killed them, it was me.

Love Amelia

Now the good thing about having her live with me for a while was I knew exactly how she wrote. She always put hearts on her I's so I did exactly that all her text messages ended with 'Xx' or 'x'. I framed her easily.

I went back to the garage and opened the door, got in the car and drove out. I got out and closed the garage door. Got back in and got out of there as fast as I could.

The good thing about the place I was taking the woman was about fifteen minutes up the road by foot was the pub. So I could walk closer to the pub and call a taxi as of course I had a change of clothes. I intended to burn everything. I had gasoline this time only a small amount but enough to start a fire.

I got to the spot. And I got out and pulled the woman out of the boot and put her into the car. Her face was pretty mangled but if I turn the car on and write a note and leave it away from the car it'll look like a suicide. God I was good.

Last step I pour the gasoline on her and everywhere I could I stripped off to my bra and underwear and threw the match onto the car and watched.

I ran to the opposite side of the road so the blast didn't effect me and I changed into a skimpy red dress and heels clutched my handbag back together and went to the pub.

I deserved a drink I figured.

Long fifteen minute walk later...

"Hi ma'am what can I get for you."
"Rum and coke please." I smiled

"Angie!" A voice called from behind me. "What are you doing here??" It said again.

I turned around and saw Renee standing there smiling at me she hugged me.

"Hey darl!" I smiled back.

"Last drink and I can give you a ride if you like?" She said extra cheerfully. "Scott drank I didn't." She reassured me.

"Sure sounds great!" I laughed

"Cheers!" Well all said together even though Renee's glass was just lemon lime and bitters.

Twenty minutes later.

"Good to go girly?" She nudged me.
"Yep let's go!" I smiled getting up.

"Awesome catcha Ron" She said waving to the guy at the bar.

He waved back.


"Long week hey Angie?" Renee asked.

"Yeah you could say that." I giggled.

"Okay well go to bed you look like you need it." She smiled.

I nodded and waved.

I walked inside and saw Krystella asleep on the couch. I knew I needed to go kill the two idiots in the shed I'm pretty sure I already killed the man... I put on gloves and Krystella leather gloves.. she wouldn't have to deal with this. Tomorrow Night .. we are burning the house down and leaving town...We have no choice.

Once I'm dressed. I walk to the shed and open the door. I check the man's pulse.. yep he's gone.... the smell evades my nose. Ew gross.. I walked to the woman and take the knife on the table near me and stabbed her multiple times in the chest until she stopped moving altogether.

I stripped off my clothes and left them in the shed. I took off the black leather gloves and tossed them inside as well. I still had the latex gloves on so no finger prints will be left I closed the door and locked it with the padlock and went inside.

I locked the door behind me and went past Krystella I put a blanket over her, kissed her on the for head and went to bed. I sent her a text so she didn't freak.

I'm home, have been for a little while don't stress see you in the morning. Change of plans, love you. Mum xox

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