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I didn't mean to get upset with Stella I know what she said is true... she got close to me really quick..so did Avaleigh... her and Avaleigh were as close as sisters could be...so I'm not surprised she talks the way she does....I guess in a way it makes sense... this is last piece to our puzzle...so if it blows over and we live happily ever after then so be it...

If we don't then I guess whatever happens will happen for a reason and it means we will all be happy, just three of us again.

I don't want to talk like that though I want to achieve being a grandma first before I leave this earth...

We will make it. We will get through this. I've planned it properly this time and we won't be stopped or found out. We have the perfect person to pin it on and that's exactly what will happen.

I left my thoughts and saw Krystella had fallen asleep, I looked over at the clock and it was ten thirty.

We would have to get going at about one o'clock I think Stella knew that so she didn't care if she slept. I'll wake her at twelve thirty.

I got up and made myself another cup of tea. I went to get everything organised for tonight's run in.

I kept looking on my to do list to make sure everything was planned. These high rich people were more of assholes than Avaleigh's supposed new parents so they maybe smarter. I will have to be careful and make sure Krystella isn't as involved as what she was last time, because these assholes may have a gun stashed somewhere so if God forbid something doesn't go right one of us could be in some serious danger if not both of us.

I know she won't approve not being able to help as much but I'll take the cop out from her if it means I know she stays safe....I'm maybe crazy but my daughter means the world to me. So does my other one but the one in the boot...that's NOT the Tarsha-Rose I gave birth too and rescued.

1. Gloves.
2. Under gloves on when we leave.
3. Clorophorm.
4. Baseball bat (just in case).
5. Front door key.
6. Tarp lined in boot.
7. Voice changer if we have to speak.
8. Car keys
9. Plastic bag for evidence hiding.
10. Face masks.

I was able to tick every one of the boxes within half an hour.

I went to the shed and unlocked the door I had to double check the chairs were stuck in place. The two idiots were asleep. Thank god. I left and locked the door behind me.

I got back inside and removed my gloves. I packed everything up and got ready to wake Krystella up. It was eleven thirty.. I put the kettle on waiting for time to pass.


"Krystella baby." I said gently shaking her. I did the same a bit louder and she stirred and opened her eyes.

"We have to get going shortly honey." I whispered and she nodded sitting up. I knew she was tired... so it was just one more time...I'd do the rest she could settle for a few days to gain her strength back. She'd be getting a call back from the tafe hopefully later on today so that will take the worry off her shoulders a little. I know what I'm doing its still early days for her. So as long as I have her back with it all, we will pull this off.

I put my gloves back on making sure I didn't forget. And I made her a cup of tea before we had to leave so she could wake up a bit. It was an hour drive to Tarsha-Rose's new house so she had time to drink her tea in the car.



I got up still pretty tired but I knew tea would wake me up, and it's like she read my mind because Mum already had tea made for me when I came out of the room. I had my black clothes and face mask on already so I didn't have to worry about it. It had a mouth piece open of course so I didn't have to take it off to drink my tea. I put my gloves on first then the leather ones and took the cup from here.

"We need to go sweetheart, earlier the better." She said getting the car keys.

"Okay then I'm ready let's go." I said yawning.

We got in the car and drove out the driveway. It would take a while to get there so I sat back thinking what tafe would be like.

"You okay honey?" Mum said looking over to me.

"I'm fine, just thinking about tafe and stuff." I smiled.

Truth was I was so tired, the thrill of it had gone already but I didn't want to disappoint Mum. I wanted justice for Avaleigh but that didn't include Amelia's parents.. I honestly just wanted to kill Avaleigh's parents and watch them burn in hell and I'd be happy. Mums thrill of killing had come back faster than I thought because she was already having fun taking four people at once this time.

I don't know if she killed the man in the shed,  but his body went limp pretty quickly.. so I wonder if she just knocked him out.. I honestly wasn't sure. But I had killing in me but just the two people who fucked my sisters life up. Amelia was dead to me so I didn't really care what happened to her.

Though Mum brought her into it as well by kidnapping her and putting her in the boot... again...

I sighed in my head so Mum didn't hear me. I'm tempted to just go home and slash them and be done with it. But I know I can't. I have to act more sinister than that.

I guess I'm not as much like my Mum as I thought I was after all.....

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