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Dear Krystella and Amelia,

You two are and will always be my best friends. I'm sorry I couldn't be the sister you needed me too. I'm sorry we couldn't keep the plan we had originally, though this plan has taken over. The house I'm in now is even worse than what happened on the streets. At least I was somewhat safe there. I'm being so used in every way possible and for the last three months it's been the hardest months of my life I felt safer living with a murderer of a Mother isn't that rediculous...

Anyway I hope you two have found a better life that what I have been given... this is the end.. I heard Mother got life.. so we won't be seeing her again she'll get killed in there I bet.. thanks for giving me the best four months of my life. I'll see you two again soon....

I love you, I'll never forget you.
I'm sorry I couldn't be better.

Love Ava xoxoxox

I need to keep thi... I dropped the letter and felt dizzy and everything went Black...



"Krystella, Krystella can you hear me?"

"Ughhh." I managed to groan I slowly opened my eyes blinking from the bright light.. It took a few seconds before my eyes were adjusted and things weren't blury.. I was in a hospital? But I was just in the police station, staring at Ava's suicide not... oh my god... tears fell down my cheeks again.

"Krystella, you're in the hospital sweetheart, you had a nervous breakdown. Are you okay? You've been here for five days"

"Five days...?" I mumered.

"Yes honey. You're alright though, it'll just take a couple more days before we can send you home to recover."

"This lady found you. She took you here. She knows you ran away from home. She's said you can stay with her until you are ready to go back to your house." The nurse said calmly why were they being so nice to me.

"Ava's letter!" I yelled out randomly.

"The piece of paper with your name on it?"

"Yes!" I tried to sit up worried as hell.

"It's on your shelf beside you dear." She smiled.

"Oh thank god!" I put my hand on my chest.

"It's the last remembrance. We wouldn't throw it away dear." She smiled again as she walked out.

I turned to the lady sitting next to me.

"So who are you? And why did you help me?" I sniffed wiping my eyes again.

"I lived next door to your Mum Krystella." She smiled and placed her hand on mine.

"So you knew?" I choked.. "Y-you knew what she was up too?" I stared at her with watery eyes.

"Yes.." she paused and adjusted herself in her chair. "Yes I knew what happened. But I knew she had a good cause. So I just left it alone.. I." She trailed off..

"You what?" I edged her to keep going with what she was about to say.

"I....I came from an abusive family. Your Mum told me everything. I could relate? I guess? My parents got locked away. Hers didn't they came after her."

"What are you talking about?" I said confused..

"She killed her family honey...I thought you knew?" She raised an eyebrow at me.

"I only knew she killed the seventeen girls to find me and my sisters.." I choked.

"Eighteen." she corrected me, "There was eighteen girls she murdered.. but yes she killed her Mum,Dad,Nana, and sister, uh your Aunty." She said calmly.

"Oh...She told us she was an only child." I said still a bit confused about the new information I was given.

"Well she had two sisters. One got killed by her father...your grandfather... she says her sister came to her and told her to kill them so she could be free..

I'm not sure if your Mum was okay mentally at age eight...she was a lonely little girl. She was beaten and abused everyday of her life.. so I guess she had just had enough. She said her sister went to the light once she did kill them all..

I don't know the full story.. that's what she told me." She said adjusting her hand to still hold mine.

"She's still in jail isn't she?" I asked sitting up.

"Yes for a very long time unfortunately.." she stated.

"Could you take me to see her?" I asked again I gripped her hand tighter. I don't know what it was about this woman but for once I didn't feel the urge to want to get rid of her..

"If that's what you want, I could take you there. She's not the same though... she may sound sader and rougher than you remember her." She said concerned.

"It's fine, I've seen her angry...she doesn't scare me anymore... Hearing that she was abused and didn't kill herself and killed them..unlike Ava I envy her strength and her risk taking. She's a brave woman." I said with pride.

"She is...I wasn't strong.. I had everything done to me..I'll tell you my story one day..if you feel you need to hear it.." she looked away.

"It's okay you don't have to tell me. I'm sure it was hard enough putting the people that were meant to love you away, let alone having to repeat... isn't that what counsiler 's are for? To make you repeat your story over and over again." I giggled a bit.

She cracked up quietly. "Yeah don't even start with that.." she smiled.

"Are you hungry? You haven't eaten for five days. I'll get you anything you want." She said squeezing my hand again.

"Honestly? I know McDonald's is across the street.

"Hahaha! Done." She cracked up laughing again. "I'll be back shortly. What do you prefer being called? Kris/Krissy/Stella or anything else." She asked afterwards.

"Stella is fine." I smiled at her. I actually liked this woman I felt like I could relate to her in some ways. She reminded me of someone close...come to think about it... She reminded me of my Mother...

"Okay Stella, I'll be back soon."
"Okay surprise me!" I laughed and lay down.

"You got it!" She put a thumbs up too me and walked out of the room.

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