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My phone buzzed under my pillow and scared the shit out of me!

"Hello?" I grumbled

"Get up I have a surprise for you! I won lotto last night! Get up hurry up!!!!!" Renee was practically yelling on the phone.

"Okay okay I'm awakeeeee." I groaned as I hung up and got out of bed. Fuck her she wakes me up early I'm going outside in my pyjamas. Still feeling shit with Ava's funeral only being two days ago... I know Renee was only trying to take my mind off things.

I unlocked the door and pulled the chain off and I felt like a vampire I almost died stepping outside into the sun.

"This better be important!" I said grumpily.

"It is look in the driveway." She clapped excitedly.

"Wow what?"

"It's yours happy early birthday!"

"Your joking I can't take this!!" I said with a huge grin across my face.

"I told you sweetie I won lotto last night I won't tell you how much. But we're going shopping to fill your cupboards later too. And I have another big surprise for you but you can't know what this is yet." She clapped excitedly again.

"Wow thank you so much!" I squealed and ran to hug her.

"Seriously a car!" I squealed again "Oh my god!" I jumped up and down and ran over to it, the keys were still in it.

"Can I test drive it?" I squealed.

"It's yours do whatever you want with it!" She exclaimed glad to see I was happy.

"Have fun! I have to go do you some shopping I'll be back in an few hours." She smiled came over and kissed me on the head.

"Thank you Aunty Renee!"

"You're welcome enjoy but please be careful! She said in a serious voice.

"I will!" I called back.


Renee came back with shopping about 3 hours later and it was packed like full on packed the whole kitchen. "Holy shit." I said looking at the bags.

"Uh yeah you won't need anything for a bit. The freezer stuff will last you months." She smiled at me and I helped her put it all away. We even needed to use the top stairs kitchen cupboards and for the fridge and freezer.

"There you go. No need to stress for a while." "Your other surprise will be here tomorrow ten in the morning sharp. So be awake." She smiled and waved good bye.

"Goodnight!" I said back and waved and locked the door behind her.

Other surprise what's she talking about. Maybe she got me a puppy!

Hahahaha I doubt it.

I made Lasagna tonight, I was craving it. And damn it tasted good... I followed Mumma's recipe. I curled up on the couch and turned the TV on and relaxed as much as I could.

Yes I was by myself but I felt really happy. I'm not sure why but a massive wash of happiness came over me and I felt so good about everything nothing even mattered right now at this point.

I figured Avaleigh was watching over me or something. I smiled and hugged my pillow and kept watching the random movie that was on.

The sun shone through the window waking me up, oops I fell asleep out here.. the TV was still on so were all the lights. My bad....

I looked at my phone it was only eight thirty. I still have an hour and a half before this 'surprise' is here. Still trying to figure out what it was...

I got up and turned the lights off and dragged myself to the bathroom to go have a shower.

I let the water pour over me still tired I waited a while before I even moved.
I eventually washed my hair and self, and brushed my teeth. I figured I should eat breakfast before I see what's happening.

I got out and dried my hair kept the towel on and went to my room to change. I went to the wardrobe and picked out what I wanted.

Went back out and put toast on.. I saw the time and had to hurry, Renee is impatient when it comes to waiting. It's annoying sometimes.

I ate as quick as I could.... knock knock I heard as I took the last bite. Sheesh it was literally ten o'clock.

"Hold on Renee just a sec." I said unlocking the door.

I gasped and my hand went over my mouth in shock....

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