🌼- 42 -🌼

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"Hi Baby girl." The person at the door said.

"MUMMA!" I squealed as I jumped into her arms, she was expecting it because she caught me.

"How are you? Why are you? What are you?"
"Slow down." she laughed putting me down.
"Renee bailed me out."
"Wow... for two life sentences and ten years I don't even want to kn..."
"Five hundred thousand dollars my bail was set at." She said with a huge grin on her face.


"Two and a half million." Mum said casually.

"Holy shit! You know she bought me a car right?" I said proudly.

"Yes she told me! Exciting for you!" She said.

"Now missy let's go in side we have a lot of catching up to do!" She clapped excitedly and we walked inside.



"Right so Amelia left you to fend on your own?" She asked

"Yep...didn't even care. Claimed she didn't know who I was.." I sniffed

"It's fine don't worry about her. We need a plan of justice for Avaleigh." She said sternly and determined.

"I agree. I've been trying to think about what to do but I have no idea." I said defeated.

"I know for a fact that Avaleigh's foster parents was the reason shes not here. I'll have to deceide what to do with them.." She said gritting her teeth.

"Same.. I knew it the moment I read that letter. And obviously Amelia isn't going to help us so it's just you and me." I said angrily.

"We need to get this perfect. No mistakes what so ever. Are you sure you want to do this?" "I can do it and then all that'll happen is ill end up back in jail. You'll be allowed to go free."

"No Mum I have to do this. For Ava. I can't let this go. I need to give her justice so she can rest in peace." I said standing my ground.

"Besides you won't go back to jail, you'll be shot on site. So we have to make sure we get away with this or we're in some serious trouble."

"We could Pin it on Amelia? The silent type she struggled with her sisters death the most and went on a crazy out rage. Any daughter that doesn't grieve or help the other one is no daughter of mine." She hissed.

"That's a brilliant idea. She comes back to this house, kidnaps them both her new parents and Ava's parents gets her revenge, tries to kill us we call the police and she gets taken away!" I grinned.

"That's a fantastic idea. Getting Amelia's new parents will be easy, she goes to the college still doesn't she?"

"Yup!" I said excited.

"We can get them when she's at school and keep them trapped down in the back shed. I don't want my house messed up." We both laughed at the same time.

I wrapped my arms around Stella, "I've missed this so much, I'm so glad we're back together. Never be apart again." I smiled and squeezed her.

"Nope never ever again no matter what." She smiled back and squeezed me.

"No matter what." I said thinking back to my first idea.. the more sinister one.. murder suicide...me being the suicide. To make sure we didn't get torn apart. I'm glad I didn't though, my true daughter came back for me. The other wasn't strong enough to handle her family like I was once upon a time... and the other one left us gone and forgotten...

Her Perfect FamilyWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt