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I sat up as fast as I could sweating like mad. I looked over to the clock that sat on my bedside table, 3:33am. Every single night since I was eight I wake up at 3:33am from the same nightmare. The nightmare that haunts me.. They're dead, they're all dead they can't come back to get me, it won't happen Angelina you killed them, each and every one of them.

I slid off my bed and go to get a drink of water. Then it hits me, I need a new family. One to replace the one that wasn't good enough for me! I can start my life again! Yay what a great idea! I knew I had what it takes to start a perfect family, but I needed certain people. I needed people who didn't feel like they belonged in their families the ones who knew they were better than the rest of them.
The Black Sheep.

I knew if I targeted the Black Sheep of the families, it would make my family perfect. How it's supposed to be. I will get my second chance..

I will start today!
I always wanted daughters, perfect daughters just like I was, though no one appreciated how wonderful I was. I was polite, elegant, and was good around the house. No one noticed when I did something right, only when I did something wrong. Daddy would punish me and tell me he would send me away. Mummy did nothing but watch. My sister Delila was no help.. Nanny was too old and bitter to care. No this time everyone will watch out for each other. And what I say goes. I will be the best Mother they could ask for. I will treat them how they should be treated and make them into perfect women.

I went back to my room and lay down, I tried to go back to sleep but it was hard, I had such a big plan to put together. I needed my daughters to sort of look like me. So I figured brown hair and blue eyes, or brown hair and brown eyes because Daddy had brown hair and brown eyes. If I chose a husband I'd want him to have Brown hair and Brown eyes. Yes yes that will work wonderfully I clapped my hands together and smiled, rolled over and closed my eyes.

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