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"Angelina! Angelina! Angelina!" "Say hello to your father he's come to see you."
"I don't want to he hurts me!" I screamed
"He hurts you how?" Mother asked me.
"When you're not here he hurts me! He smacks me for no reason, he gives me punishment for nothing, and he uses naughty words in front of me!" I cried into mummy.

"Christos! Is this true?" Mother growled.
"Of course not Evelyn. Your child is a liar, a no good, spoilt little brat and she lies, lies, lies and lies! She hates me." He said as he throws his arms up in the air.

"Very well then." Mother looked at me a crossed her arms.

"You are grounded young missy, upstairs to your room now! No dinner, no bedtime story, no cuddles or kisses! I only like good children. Not liars now go! I can't look at your disgraceful face anymore!" Mother yelled at me and pointed upstairs.

"But he did mummy he hurts me! He wants me dead he said he hates me and that I was an accident!" I wailed.


I ran upstairs crying and crying. Whispering into my pillow, tonight they die, tonight they die, all of them, they all hate me. They wished I never existed. I don't need them, there will be another family that will want me. I just know it. I sobbed and sobbed until my eyes were sore. This is no life for a eight year old girl to deal with.

A father who's a monster, a mother that doesn't even like me, a grandmother that raised a horrible boy and mummy told me my sister ran away because she hated me. I know mummy killed her. I just know it. I see her in my dreams at night time.


I woke my self up suddenly, "Shit I dozed off as I pulled into the driveway!" I hadn't had much sleep lately especially because I was too excited to get my girls back, and because I have been stressing to find Amelia. I smacked my head against my steering wheel a few times, looked at my passenger seat and sighed with relief. I get my girls back! They will finally know the truth!

I will surprise them in the morning it's been a long day and I want them to recover from yesterday. I will take them shopping today!
I walked inside and I could smell pancakes, they really are settling in so well it makes me so proud and grateful they are both back in my life, of course it will be a lot better once Amelia is here as well, it won't be long, I know I will get it right this time!

"Good morning girls!" I chimed in as I walked through the door.

"Morning Mum!" They both said in sync. "How do you like your pancakes?" Stella asked holding a plate, and maple syrup in her hands.

"Perfect of course." I smiled, she smiled back at me and gestured for me to sit down.

"I hope they are!" She giggled and went back to the stove to get her own, Ava was standing behind her ready to put hers on her plate as well. I couldn't have been happier today. I will show them and tell them about their birth certificates soon, I just want to enjoy the day with them first, knowing that this particular conversation isn't going to be a short and easy one to have.

"Do you two want to come with me when I go shopping today, it would be nice for all of us to get out of these four walls for a little while and get some fresh air?" I smiled inbetween mouthfuls.

"Yes! I can't wait." Stella said sounding excited.

"Sure, sounds like fun!" Ava exclaimed also sounding really excited. I love how both of these girls have the same happy personality about life like I do, it's the nicest feeling in the world.



After we cleaned up the breakfast dishes the girls got dressed and ready to go out, I had to do a bit of food shopping, after that I was going to take them real shopping and let them pick a new summer wardrobe!

"Are we ready girls!" I called out taking my handbag off the kitchen bench.

"Yes Mum!" They both sung out in sync.
And with that we all head out the front door.



We spent all afternoon looking around at so many different stores, it was all so new to me still, Krystella picked out so many clothes that she said would suit me, of course to mother's standards nothing to crazy, but she had so much style I can't even begin to imagine what it would have been like growing up with her.

I was starting to feel like a real family I wonder what Amelia will be like, I hope she ends up being as nice as Krystella and mum! I really hope mum can save her like she did Krystella and I.

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