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I got up stairs and got dressed. Ahh! My dresses how I've missed you!
I went to mums bathroom and did my hair, messy ponytail will do today. I looked at myself in the mirror satisfied and shut the door behind me.

I checked the time on my phone nine thirty. I didn't have a car so I knew I'd have to catch the bus but I had to look up where abouts Avaleigh was taken first. I wonder who would give me that information...

I got interupted by a phone call from an unknown number.. I don't us ally answer them but something made me have too.


"Hello is this Miss Krystella Wennington? The other voice said.

"Yes, speaking?"

"Are you able to come to the station sometime today? Just to confirm a body we believe is your sister Avaleigh." The voice said grievingly

"Are you joking?" I said with my lip quivering.

"I wish I was Miss, I just hope for your sake, it's a mistake. Please come as soon as possible."

"Does Amelia know? My sister." I corrected.

"She's been informed to yesterday." The voice said.

"Yesterday!?... Okay...I'll be there as soon as I can." I said holding back tears, angry Amelia didn't tell me.

I hung up and dropped the phone along with my ass hitting the ground. I broke down, tears were pouring down my cheeks and I started hyperventilating. "It's not her, it's not her, it's not her, it's not her, it's not her." I kept repeating as I put my phone battery back in. "It's not, her it's not her, it's not her, it can't be her it can't be her!" I cried again leaving the house.

"Yellow Cabs where are you heading?"

"Elenvillage Police Station Please."

"Pick up address."

"34 Tediusvale Drive, Elenvillage."

"Ready to go now."

"I was ready to go yesterday.. sorry I mean yes."

"Thank you."

Call disconnected.

Tears just kept coming back, without Avaleigh my life isn't complete... The detective got it wrong! He's playing tricks on me because I'm a murderers daughter! Yep that's what it is.

I need to go in there and be like sorry no this isn't her, how could they get that wrong! How silly of them!

"Taxi for Krystella?"

"Yep." I climbed in the back.

"Elenvillage Police Station please." I reminded the driver.

"No problem." He said.


"Thirty-eight fifty please miss."

"Change for forty."

"One dollar fifty change thank you have a good day."

"Thanks." I said ignoring his question as I got out.

I felt my whole world crashing down on my again.. it happened when mum got taken now it's happening again.. What am I saying it's not happening again because it's not going to be Avaleigh on that stretcher.

"Miss Wennington here for identification." I said at the front desk.

"I'll let the coroner know you're here."

"Thanks." I said dryly.


"Amelia!" I cried towards her, her foster parents were next to her.."

"Hey Stella." She said weakly.
"Ava's dead....she can't be." She sniffed.

"She's not they're playing tricks on us I bet you! You didnt tell me that you found out yesterday!" I said gritting my teeth.

Ignoring my anger all she said was

"You don't know that, neither do I till we see her or the person." She corrected me.

"You already saw her!!!." I yelled at her this time.

"I don't really remember, I was pretty tired." She said defending herself.

"Ava wouldn't leave us! It's not her!" I said kind of loudly.. the lady at the front desk put her finger on her lips to suggest I be quiet. I went back and sat down. For some reason Amelia didn't come and sit with me. She looked so well dressed with her hair slicked back into a tight pony tail, and her blouse and skirt were pressed neatly. What happened to her? What did they do to her!! I was screaming in my head, they took my sister away!!!! How dare they!!!!

"Krystella and Amelia Wennington, if you'll come with me please."

"Don't bring them." I whispered mentioning1 her 'new parents.'

"I don't see what your problem is but okay if you insist.." she said harshly she was a totally different person than when we found her at college that day. I didn't like it at all.

"I need to be alone." She said bluntly, and walked with me.

"This is the body. Take your time." The coroner said.

I lifted the sheet and dropped to my knees..Amelia just stared, not crying, no emotion she just stared. Within seconds I couldn't breath and I was kicking and screaming I had a lady put a blanket around me. And try to comfort me, I pushed her off.


"Honey." The woman said I stared at her like I would kill her if she didn't give me an answer.

"You see these marks around her neck. This shows a rope. I'm really sorry Sweetheart but your sister killed herself. There's no sign of harm except this rope. She was found, hanging by a tree in her back yard.."

"NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO!!!!!!!!" I screamed pulling my hair out.

"Krystella!" Amelia shouted.

"What!" I screamed back.
"You don't even care!! You haven't even moved! Or reacted! We fucking saved you and this is how you react when she kills herself!!!! Fuck you Tarsha-Rose. Fuck you." I shouted back at her.

"I love my life now. What's done is done." She walked out. I couldn't believe it she literally just walked out.

"What the fuck is wrong with her she just walked out." I fell to the floor again.

"Sweetheart I know you're upset,  I lost my brother I know how it feels, but everyone deals with grief their own way."

"I do have something for you and Amelia, but it seems Amelia has left so I will give it to you." She hands me a letter addressed to me and Amelia.

"I believe it was a goodbye note."
"Her suicide note.." I choked.
She nodded.

And stepped back and let me read it....

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