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I walked into the pantry and found the wafer biscuits, crackers dip, cheese, ham, bread, and apples and I took them down to Krystella, when I walked down the stairs she was watching TV. I close the door with my foot behind me to make sure she couldn't leave. I hope one day they can all come up to the big house with me and we can live happily ever after. Just me and my three daughters. Just like it should have been. I wasn't eligable to adopt after my tragic accident, so I had to result in finding the children I lost, what a crock of shit.

"Here you are honey, I'll be back in a few hours." Mother called over from the kitchen.

"Okay Mother, have a good day." Krystella called back to me.

"You too princess." I smiled and locked the door behind me.

Right first stop was to find my Avaleigh. I would see what she's up too that way I'd know how to approach her and bring her back to our new house. She'd be so happy once I found her. As happy as I will be. Krystella will be excited when she sees her sister they will get along famously.

I was driving along the coast line and I saw her. Sitting on the lakeside staring at the water. Nows the time I can feel it. I parked the car and stepped out and locked it. Beep beep.

I walked over to her and sat next to her. "Pleasant day isn't it?" I started the conversation.

"Oh yeah, it's amazing I come here all the time just to watch it. The people the view. It's so peaceful. What about you do you come here much?" She asked sounding genuinely interested in what I had to say.

"Sometimes, I don't get out here much anymore, too busy with work. Funny how that takes over your life." I laughed a little bit and to my surprise she joined me.

"Well I wouldn't know, I've lived on that corner for about five years now, I want to study but I can't afford to.." her voice dropped and became shaky.
"Sorry I shouldn't be telling you this, you don't need to hear about that." A tear fell down her face as she stopped talking. And stared out to the water.

"Hey..there there." I said putting my arm on her shoulder. "What if I was to say I could offer you a better life, one with a new family, a bed to sleep in, food to eat whenever you need it, and I could even help you to study if that's what you really wanted?" I smiled at her.

"You, no I couldn't accept that I barely know you!" She said kindly.

"Don't be silly how old are you? Sixteen, seventeen?" I said guessing.

"Yes, how did you know?" She asked surprised.

"Oh just a hunch." I smiled back.

"You've been on the streets since you were eleven god knows what you've had to go through I don't want to even imagine. Please if you come with me, you won't be on the streets ever again, I'd love to take you in. Treat you like my own daughter. You will have a sister too, Krystella she's fifteen." I smiled warmly at her trying to convince her.

"You'd really do that for me? Someone you don't even really know? What if I'm a psycho." She said trying not to laugh but didn't work.

"Believe me I'm not even slightly concerned about that." I said laughing she started too.

"Wow.. well okay thank you so much I can't even begin to thank you enough." She exclaimed.

"Nonsense." I said waving my hand in the air "it's the least I could do. There will be a few changes though, if you don't mind I'd love to change your name." I smiled weakly.

"Oh my names Avaleigh. What would you change it too?" She raised an eyebrow at me.

"Really? That's the name I would change it too." I let out a laugh.

"Oh." She smiled.

"Nice to meet you Avaleigh. You're welcome to call me Mother." I smiled as sweet as possible.

She smiled and stood up.
I stood up after her. "This way." She followed me to the car and sat in the front seat.

"Thank you so much for everything already, I thought I'd be on the streets for the rest of my life." She said weakly.

"It's no problem honey. It's the least I could do for my new daughter." I smiled and gripped her hand in a quick squeeze tightly and kept driving.

She smiled and watched out her window.

"Oh do you mind if we go to the shop first I have to do my food shopping today?" I looked over to Avaleigh.

"Sure Mother, that's fine." She smiled.


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