🌼- 05 -🌼

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"My head is killing me!" I said out loud. Where the hell am I? What happened! My eyes darted around the room I was in, I must admit it was absolutely stunning. But where the hell was I, and how did I get here.. immediately I remembered driving a lady home. I can't remember what she looked like, except anyone would think she was my mother or relative of some sort because we looked quite similar.

I got out of bed and looked around, it was dark outside so I imagine I've been asleep for a good few hours. I walked over to the window and tried to open it but it was no use there was no where for it to open. I went over to the door and tried to open it. Nothing. . It was locked.. I was locked in here..

"HELP!" I screamed "HELP ME ANYONE!" I was desperate. I tried to find something I could break the window with so I could get out of here! I found a jewellery box it was square and had enough weight to it to throw. I threw it at the window as hard as I could and ducked. To my surprise and heart sinking realizatoon the window was that stupid bouncy plastic stuff!!! It wouldn't break!!!

The jewellery box laid sprawled out on the floor, it wasn't full it was empty but it was still in pieces I knew it could be put back together it was just out place. I stormed back to the bed and sat down and just cried. I was stuck here and no one could help me!

My car! My car was out the front it had my mobile phone in it! If I can get outside somehow I can get my phone! I ran back to the window.. I didn't really look outside I can't really see but I don't recognize my surroundings. Though I don't really remember earlier today either I was just dropping this lady off and going home. . Wait! I'm at number 32! I can walk home, well run home, I just need to get outside!!! Somehow!!


What felt like hours had past it had to be really late at night by now.. the sky was pitch black and the stars were shining through,  I was still locked in this horrible room! When would someone come and find me! I threw myself back on the bed and cried again.



I finally got to the front door, twenty-five minutes to walk and fifteen minutes roughly to get the house by car, I almost was running though. I put my key into the door and went inside. Ahhh home sweet home. I locked the door behind me, and went to the kitchen to make some food. I figured Krystella would be hungry! I didn't mean to leave her here on her own for so long but I didn't know how else to get rid of her car.

I whipped up some 'mac n cheese' and put it in two bowels I put tomato sauce under my arm and walked towards to basement. I unlocked the door and walked down stairs, and placed the mac n cheese on the table and layed it out nicely ready for Krystella.

I went to her room and knocked.
"Dinners ready sweetie sorry I was so late, I got caught up with a lift home." I said sincerely.

"Who are you and where am I!" She snapped as she pushed me to the floor. I pushed her over, and slapped her fair across the face.

"I am your MOTHER! HOW DARE YOU HAVE SUCH ATTITUDE WITH ME." I growled. "You ever carry on like that again and I'll have to punish you! Do you hear me young lady! Ethics and respect thank you Krystella." I got up and brushed myself off. How dare she do that to me. I'm helping her!



I grabbed a hold of my cheek as she stood herself up she was still yelling at me.

"Ethics and respect thank you Krystella." Is all I made out that she said her slap sent me dizzy.

I nodded and moved away from her holding my cheek in pain.

"Good." She smiled. "Now I have prepared a quick dinner for tonight for you, I'm sorry it's not completely healthy food, but I know it will taste nice I made it from scratch." She said as she sat down at the table and patted the chair next to her suggesting I sit down too. How could she think I was hungry after that... I said that as my stomach growled loud enough for both of us to hear.

She just smiled "Perfect timing." She said and started eating.

"Where am I-I?" I said hestinantly hoping I wouldn't be hit again..

"You're home darling. Do you like what I've done with the place?" She smiled and chewed her food.

"It's pretty." I said sadly smiling back. I picked up a piece of macaroni and put it to my lips. The taste of the creamy cheese was unbelievable as much as this woman had just kidnapped me and I'm trapped in her house I must admit she can cook!
I couldn't help but dig in, honestly I was starving.

"There's more if you want more. You look like you could eat a horse." She laughed.

"I do admit I'm hungry." I said trying not to smile too much.

"Good well eat up,  your sisters will be here within the next couple of days." She smiled.

"My sisters?" I raised an eye brow above my bowel.

"Yes Avaleigh and Amelia." Surely you know who they are, they're your sisters Krystella, you didn't have a concussion from ealier did you, no memory loss you remember me don't you?" She sounded so concerned.

"No I'm fine." I said moving away from her.

"Please address me as Mum or Mother." She scowled.

"Sorry, Mother it's been a long day." I lied.

"It's fine honey bunch. Would you like some more dinner?" She said as she took my plate.

"Yes please Mother." I said trying to play her game I don't know what she's planning to do or when I will eat next so I have to take advantage of it.

"No problem darling. One moment." She got up and rushed back upstairs closing and locking the door behind her.

I sat there and waited. I'd have time to explore soon, I could suss out this place to find out how to escape.
Not that I really had anywhere or anyone to run too.. a tear fell down my cheek. I wiped it away quickly when I heard the door open again.

A bowl was placed in front of me. "There you are sweetheart. Eat up." She smiled as she ran her hand across my shoulder blade.

"I'm going to go upstairs now darling, if you need anything just let me know. You may knock on the door and I'll come as soon as I can. When you're finished with your dinner you may wash your dish and put it in the sink. Thank you sweetie. Goodnight." She smiled and left the room locking the door behind her.

I finished my food and cleaned uo like she asked. All I wanted to do was sleep. It felt pretty late.. maybe close to midnight. I went back to the bedroom and flopped down on the bed my head hit the pillow and that's all I remember.

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