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"Just these please." I said pushing the invitations towards to cashier.

"Ten dollars." She said, sounded like she couldn't be bothered.

I handed her a ten dollar note.

"Do you want the receipt."

"No thanks." I said grabbing the bag and walking out as fast as I could. Ugh I hate rude people!

"Done already? That was quick." Renee said as I startled her closing the door.

"Yeah that cow was so rude so I ran out of there basically." I rolled my eyes as put on my seat belt.

"You know I forget who I'm talking to sometimes, that's how much you remind me of Ange. .your mother."

I laughed at her saying mum's full name. "It's fine, I didn't know what to call her when I first got there so, Ava told me her first name, it's not weird to hear it like most kids."

She laughed with me and we left.

"Sorry I can't stay my boyfriend wants to go for coffee." She pecked me on the head.

"But I can come home immediately if you need me, just text me and I'll leave straight away okay?" She said.

I pouted. "I think I'm a big girl I think I can stay on my own for a while." She slapped me.

"Yeah, yeah hush, I'll be back later." She flicked my arm and walked away.

"Oi that hurt!" I growled

"Well duh!!!" She snikered as she left the house.

What a cow! I laughed to myself.

Okay invitations time. First to mum of course. The jail would give it to her.

Then Amelia.. I shudder saying her name now.

Then a few of Ava's friends that we knew once mum was back in our lives, and a few I remembered from the college I was at only a couple the rest where assholes.


It took me over an hour to finish them all because I had to use the gold pen I bought and make it neat and perfect. Damn OCD..... I licked the last envelope yuck it's still as feral as the first one. And I folded it down.

Done! The best thing about living in the middle of no where I laughed just joking I'm not that far away. Was that I had a post box a few metres away from the top of my driveway.

I started the long fifteen minute walk up the driveway I could almost be five again and rolled down it, if only it were grass!! After what felt like a week. I made it up there and walked to the post box. It was Tuesday so the postie would come by at lunch time tomorrow, that is plenty of time for the guests to receive in saddest invitation they've had for awhile I would imagine.. as the funeral wasn't until next Thursday...No one was interstate so they would all get there in time no worries.

I made my way back down the driveway...it was quicker going down, it felt like I practically ran down there, yay I made it back into the house. I closed the door and locked it Renee got cranky when I didn't, or forgot to lock it.. a sixteen year old shouldn't be in an unlocked house on her own anything could happen she would lecture me.

I wonder what her family comment meant...maybe it was just because she was Mum's best friend. The whole best friend is your family/kids aunty I don't know. I shrugged it off and went to make a cup of hot chocolate because it just started belting down with rain outside and I was seriously cold all of a sudden. I went and got a jumper while the milk was heating up.


I put on a movie and snuggled up with the pillows on the couch. I miss Ava so much.. and mum I wish mun could come out so we could be together again... I love this house I'll raise my children in here but I miss mum.. and Ava...

I had my P plates test tomorrow I was kind of excited. I would be able to drive anywhere I wanted when I get a car anyway..

Once I had a car... I'd be free, to go and do whatever I wanted when I wanted, I wouldn't have to rely on anyone to do anything for me anymore. Even though Renee didn't mind, I still felt bad having to ask her to take me places all the time, I knew as time went on I'd have to rely on her more and more, so the sooner I had my own wheels I would be set!

I sighed now competing with the loud rain and turned the tv volume up and dipped my hot chocolate.

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