🌼- 19 -🌼

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As we headed out of the school grounds towards the car park a news crew was parked up around our car.

Shit! Was I not careful enough why are they here oh my god! I have to do something fast. Think Angelina think!

"Are you Angelina Wennington?" A lady yelled in my face.

"Who wants to know?" I said rudely.

"Is it true your father is out of the asylum for your abuse as a child?" She yelled at me again and shoved the microphone in my face.

"I don't know what you're talking about my father died when I was eight." I snapped and tried getting to my car.

"Are you sure? It's been said that he's out and his words were he was looking for his little princess, is that what he use to call you Angelina?" She yelled at me again.

"I SAID GET OUT OF MY FACE! MY FATHER HAS BEEN DEAD FOR OVER TWENTY YEARS. You clearly have the wrong person." I yelled at her and got into my car.

"NO FURTHER HARASSMENT." I snapped and put my car in reverse. If she didn't move I would run her over.

"You'd better move, though you'd look great under my wheel." I snapped and smirked at her.

Damn she moved..

I drove home quickly not wanting to deal with that bullshit. I knew my father was dead I killed him for goodness sake. They were obviously trying to make me admit something, I guess it's going to start getting messy, I'm going to have to be extremely careful from now on. Especially if I have to kill.

I pulled into the driveway shaking like a leaf. Holding the steering wheel..

"Mum?" Stella called I faintly heard but couldn't speak.

"Mum!" She called again but louder, I couldn't get the words out.

"MUM!!!" they yelled together I could speak.

"Let's go inside." Is all I said or could say.



I switched on the TV and the news popped up straight away, bold headline. "The bodies of three girls Alexandra Blanch, Rebecca Somers and Lucy-Kate Stevens have been found about 30kms away from an old abandoned house.
It is said the same killer is responsible for all thee girls. If anyone has anything to add to this crime to help us find the killer, please call crime stoppers on 1800 444 848."

"Fuck!" I cursed under my breath so the girls didn't hear. I ran out to the back yard making sure no evidence of ANYTHING was left around I made sure I had gloves on. Because one little mistake and I was in big trouble here. Big big trouble. I couldn't get caught,  I was just doing what the police never did.

I got rid of the disrespectful kids... the ones who should be greatful and they weren't they treated me like dirt. Their parents if they even had any, would be thanking me... I got my perfect girls. They needed to have theirs, and theirs weren't so I dealt with them. That's not a bad thing it's called population control.


I felt an anxiety attack coming on and I was forced to sit down on the ground....


I got sent to bed with no dinner because I had been naughty as father told me. Which I hadn't even done anything wrong but no one believed me they never did. They used to gang up on me and I was always the bad one. Daddy just finished punishing me like he does every night.

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