🌼- 47 -🌼

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The rest of the day went pretty quickly. I figured I'd get a call from the Tafe tomorrow as it did day within the next two days of applying. Which was fine it didn't bother me.

I was playing Assassins Creed when Mum came in and asked for me to check on the idiots in the shed.

"Sure." I said pressing pause. "Mind if I keep playing after?" She shook her head as in no its fine.

"Cool!" I put the controller down and walked to the back door and put the two sets of gloves on. And went outside to the shed I could hear noises so I figured they were awake or getting irritated. I opened the door and they heard me because they both turned to my direction immediately. I realised I forgot the voice changer, so I closed the door and ran back to the house.

Mum noticed I forgot it and handed it to me.

"You didn't speak did you?" She tsk tsk'd at me.

"No Mum, Sorry." I hung my head.

"It's fine but please we have to be so careful." I nodded my head and ran back.

I opened the door and they looked at me again, well there blindfolds did.

"Mmmm Hmmm mm Mmmm Mmmm! " the lady said.

"That's nice, no you can't have your blindfold off you deserve pure darkness for the rest of your days for what you did to Avaleigh." I hissed in the voice changer.

"Now I want some answers soon, so who can I trust not to scream when I take your gag out? And if you do I will kill the other one and make sure you watch closely. Is that understood?" I hissed again.

They both nodded really quickly. If I was going to take their blindfold and gags out I had better find some type of mask or balaclava to hide my face. I might bring that up with Mum. We need them to talk. It makes the situation so much more sinister and fun especially if I have to hurt them...

Maybe I'll figure out a type of game for them to play... which involves them torturing each other. That could be fun. I want all four of them though.

I decided the leave the shed without even telling them. I turned the light bulb off and closed the door and made sure it was locked.. and I skipped back to the house.

Opened the door and removed the gloves and put them back near the door along with the voice changer so I didn't forget it next time.

"Done Mum they're still quiet as church mice." I snikered.

"Good girl. Any ideas on what to do with them?" She asked interested in what I had to say.

"Well I did have a couple of things. I want them to be able to see." I started and she cut me off.

"Why?" She raised an eyebrow.

"Let me finish." I giggled.

"Okay go on..." she put her head in her hands across the kitchen bench.

"Well I what I was thinking was. If they can see. We can play a game with them. Maybe like Snakes and Ladders or even Monopoly we could help them, for example if they hit a snake the opposite person gets hurt with something? Causing them pain so they all get to watch."

I took a breath and kept going..

"And Monopoly if they land on the person instead of it being a good thing they get hurt with something? So basically they all watch each other die slowly." I smirked.

"Wow." Mum gasped.

"What?" I said proudly.

"I did raise a sinister child after all." She said with a smile going across her face.

"I guess you did." I smirked knowing she loved my plan.

"Question though... what happens is Tarsha-Rose gets involved in all of this and comes to stop us?" Mum said stepping backwards.

"Well I guess we have to get rid of her as soon as possible... she could be the reason we get caught." I said sternly.

"Honey..." she said sounding weaker.

"Yeah Mum what's wrong?" I said stepping closer starting to worry about her.

"We need to make a plan if we do get caught. I won't go back to jail... You know what will happen to me if we get caught don't you?" A single tear slid down her cheek as she pushed my fringe behind my ear.

"Yeah.......I do....." I said feeling the water behind my eyes welling up.

"What do you suppose we do?" She said holding back tears.

"Mum...If you get shot...that's the end of my life.. I don't want to go to prison... I'll be joining you and Ava.." I said stepping back so she couldn't stop me from tearing up.

"Krystella No! Renee will get you out just like me." She said with her arms crossed.

"Will she? She saved you. Would she do it again... I'm not so sure.." I shrugged.

"Krystella.. promise me..." she frowned.

"I ca..." I got cut off.

"Krystella Louise! Promise me you won't hurt yourself if I'm gone. I need you to promise me right now young lady!" She actually yelled at me.

"I'm sorry Mum....I just...I just can't." I burst into tears and ran out the room, upstairs to Mums room and closed the door. I fell onto the bed...

I knew what had to be done if something went wrong.... I couldn't loose Mumma again.... I just lost my best friend.... I couldn't loose my Mummy too. Yeah that's right you just heard me say Mummy. I loved her more than anything in this world...Without her I was nothing.

Without her I was as good as dead.... So if she dies...So do I...
I'll promise her I won't... but I'll be crossing my fingers behind my back when I say it...

And that's all there is too it. It's done written in stone. THAT'S what will be happening if we get caught.

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