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Bum nods his head towards him. There is a minute of silence and then Jinwoo's smile brightens, "Welcome to my home."


Jinwoo's large modern home has filled with people and Bum just stands in the corner near the stairwell. He shifts uncomfortably on his sneakered feet. He watches you as you interact with your other co-workers and he can't help but notice how close Jinwoo gets to you. A friendly grab of the ball of the shoulder as he speaks makes him clench his fists. He tells you something close to your ear even though the music isn't even that loud. The scar on your face is a thin line that has been disappearing as the time goes by, thanks to ointments you spend a pretty penny on. Under your makeup, it can barely be seen now and for some reason that angers Bum. He found your scars beautiful.

What if all the scars disappear from your body and you return to normal? Back to the girl that you once were before you met him and Sangwoo? He had regrets about escaping. At least behind the same walls, he knew that the only person he had to share you with was Sangwoo. Out here, everything was unpredictable. You were able to blend in perfect into the society that you originally belonged too. But Bum has never belonged to it...not then and definitely not now.

The doorbell rings and Jinwoo immediately goes to it. By this time, everyone is a bit drunk except you. You turn to Bum and walk to him.

"You want to go home now?" You ask with a smile.

He looks up at you, his bottom lip quivering as if he couldn't find the right words to say. You lower your head towards him, your ear close to his mouth so you can hear him.

"I want to do it," Bum says hurriedly. "I want us to do it in his room."

You stare at your boss that is preoccupied with his new guests and laughing hysterically at something only alcohol could make funny. You stare down at Bum who is a dark shade of red.

"Are you crazy? You want to get me fired?"

He looks up at you and grabs you hard by the wrist. There is desperation in his voice, his eyes are darker, empty. "I want to do it now!" he yells.

The music is loud enough for his scream to sound normal. You grab him by the arm and lead him up the stairs fast. You walk down the hall, see the picture of Jinwoo's wife, and his kids. You open doors dragging Bum along by the wrist. He whimpers in slight pain, his ankles still giving him trouble.

You find a room and close the door behind you, locking it shut. You don't have time to notice the contemporary bedroom decorated in all shades of gray. You kneel on the faux fur carpet and tug the hem of his black sweater up to pull down his pants.

"I'll suck you off so you can relax, okay?" you look up at him, but he avoids your stare. His cheeks are pink. "But you have to promise me to take your medication again."

His gray jeans pool at his ankles. He isn't wearing any underwear so his soft cock is exposed to you already. All you need is to stroke it from the base up to the tip with a finger and it twitches.

"I'll take it," he says quietly. You hold him by the hips and he looks down at you, his bangs cast shadows over his eyes. "But I don't want you to lick it. I want to be inside you." He shrugs his jacket off and takes off his sweater. "I want my cum to l-leak out of you while you talk to him."

The way he says it sends a shudder through your body. You stand up and guide him backward to the bed. Bum's breathing comes in heavy inhales as he watches you wobble as you yank up your long pencil skirt. The skirt bunches on your hips and you pull down your panties and toe them off without taking off your short high heels. You straddle him in bed. Your pussy is already soaking wet when you begin to rub yourself up and down his stiff cock. He lets out a whimper feeling how easily your folds glide down his short length. Bum's gentle hips thrust up meeting every stroke. You lean back supporting yourself on Bum's thin thighs as your nether lips sandwich him.

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