Chapter 10 - The Academy

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Chapter 10 -  The Academy

A/N: Sorry, this is a short chapter. I didn't know what else to squeeze in here. I just wanted some clashing between Naruto and Sasuke, as well as some back story into exactly what happened with the Uchiha Massacre. Also, I'm sorry for the almost late update (I'm on mountain time), I was watching Parks and Recreation with my dad. Anyway, enjoy the chapter.

Editor's Note: I did things with my dad? Wow. Interesting. Also, this isn't that short of a chapter? Oh well. Come say hello via the links in my bio (including my Redbubble shop)! (I'm running out of interesting ways to shamelessly self-promote. It's only Chapter 9.)

Chapter 10

Four Years Later - Third Person P.O.V.

In a classroom at the academy, in a certain room, sits a teacher, Umino Iruka, and one of his students, Uchiha Sasuke. Iruka doesn't know what to say. Just last night, Sasuke's entire family was slaughtered. It was early in the morning, nearly an hour before class started, so the two sat in silence.

Iruka had been a chuunin teacher for about a year now, and he loved it. No taxing missions, just an easy day dealing with some interesting potential shinobi. Iruka truly loved his job, it was quite refreshing after being on the most prestigious ANBU team of all time. But at the moment, Iruka hated his job. Here was one of his students, the prodigy of his class, sad and depressed because his family was brutally murdered in front of him by his older brother last night. At least, he thought it was his older brother.

The door slides open harshly and in the doorway stands a short blond boy with cerulean eyes and three whisker marks on each cheek. He was adorable, if not for that orange jumpsuit. Kill me orange, that's the only thing that color could be called. His eyes scan the nearly empty classroom. Suddenly, he stiffens and points directly at Iruka.

"Are you Iruka?!" the boy shouts in a scratchy voice. The whisker marks were seemingly carved into each of his cheeks.

"Ah, um, yes?" Iruka stutters back.

It's been nearly a year since his favorite "little brother" had started talking again, but he didn't think he would ever get used to it. Especially now that he was using that childish voice. At least before, his voice was silky and smooth, like you could listen to him talk for hours. This wasn't the boy Iruka had come to love so much, at least not exactly.

"Huh?" the boy mutters, tilting his head to the side cutely. "Then that means you're my sensei, y'know?" he shouts.

'This kid is loud. Loud and obnoxious, but he looks familiar. Whatever.' Sasuke thinks. Iruka internally laughs at the verbal tick, dattebayo, that the boy's mother passed down to him.

"Really?" Iruka asks. "What's your name?"

The boy's eyes widen and his face turns scarlet in embarrassment. "I'm Naruto Uzumaki, and I'm gonna be Hokage one day, believe it!" he shouts, recovering from his brief embarrassment. Iruka smiles again at the verbal tick.

"Oh, I see," Iruka says solemnly. "I'm in the presence of a future Hokage, I should be more respectful," he reprimands himself with a smirk on his face, directed toward the blond.

The boy laughs boisterously. "Yeah, you're right. Believe it!"

"Could you shut up, dobe?" Sasuke asks tiredly.

Naruto looks at Sasuke, making a "huh" sound.

"Who do you think you are, you-you-you teme!" he shouts. "I'm gonna be Hokage one day, y'know?"

"How original," Sasuke scoffs.

Naruto dons a mask of anger and spins to ask Iruka where he'll sit. He's indignant and petulant, a complete opposite from the Naruto that Iruka knows.

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