Chapter 5 - Might as Well Call it Torture (1)

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Chapter 5 - Might As Well Call it Torture (1)

Author's Note: Okay, so the next several chapters are simply going to be Naruto with his senseis, starting training. It'll give you insight to Naruto's true personality. Naruto actually enters the Academy in Chapter 9. Things will really start picking up from there.

Editor's Note: Why are all of the chapter titles like this? I have no creativity whatsoever. It's like this in my other stories too. Oh god. Not going to change it now though. Come harass me on social media or check out my Redbubble because I'm poor (links in my bio)!

Chapter 5

The Next Day - Naruto's P.O.V.

Luckily, the lazy fox in my head managed to wake me up on time, I mean, I don't want to be late to my first training session with Itachi-san.

'Or should it be sensei now?'

"Kit, you're over-thinking this," Kurama warned.

Kurama learned quickly that when I over-think things, I stress myself out. And when I'm stressed out, I cry. It's too bad, though, seeing as how I over-think things more often than a Nara. That thought earned a chuckle from Kura-chan.

'Or kun? Fuck.'

"Mind your language and call me whatever the hell you want, kit,"

'Don't you think that you're a bit of a hypocrite?' I reply sassily.

I pull myself out of my bed and jump in the shower, counting my steps and throwing a hand out to avoid running headlong into the wall. The water's cold, like usual seeing as how hot water doesn't come to my little apartment. People hate me, whatever. I shower quickly before getting out and drying off. I hurriedly try and rewrap my mostly-healed injuries with fresh bandages.

"Kit, you're hopeless,"

'Um, hello? I'm a blind four year old with no medical experience. I think I'm doing fine, thanks.' I reply.

It becomes rather obvious as I dress that I've got this sass thing down. I slip into a well-worn t-shirt that's dangerously short and a pair of slightly stained shorts that are a bit too loose. The only pair of sandals I have are about a size and a half too small, but I put them on anyway.

I make some instant ramen (which takes three minutes to make, like what the fuck?), eat it, and head out the door. Using my chakra, I make my way over to where I assume training ground 43 is.

"Look's like this is the one. It's little sign says 43 and everything," Kurama says softly.

We'd been chatting a bit as I walked and since Kurama could read my mind, he knew that I was easily startled due to the incident just over one week ago. He was a lot quieter than he was when we first met. It was all because of me. He changed himself to meet my needs. It was another few minutes before Itachi showed up, so I guess that I was a bit early.

I felt Itachi look me over curiously as I stood up to greet him.

"Those aren't yours, are they?" He asks gently. The question is more of an observation.

I sign back, "No shit Sherlock. How'd you know?" with a ridiculous look on my face.

"Naruto, four year olds shouldn't curse." Itachi chided.

"Well, fuck you too, butterfly princess," I sign in reply. I hear him face-palm and sputter with laughter.

"Okay, okay. I'll ignore both the cursing and the clothes, for now," Itachi conceded. "But, you need clothes that actually fit you. And my kami! You're four! Don't start cursing yet, brat. And now that that's out of the way, did you finish those scrolls last night?"

The Coming of the KingOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz