The End

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Jimin. Jimin. Jimin.

Jimin never had a mother. He lived with his sister and father. His mother abandoned them, that's the reason his father always got drunk.

His sister, oh his sister. His sister ran away from home, after their father raped them both.

She came after Jimin 2 years later.

She dropped him in the hospital and told Jin to lie about Jimin's case.

Jin lied all this time because he loved Jimin's sister.

Jimin's "mother".. Jimin thought that the bad thoughts of his twisted mind were his mother.

Poor Jimin was trapped inside his own body, his mind was playing with him.

The negative thoughts and the voices inside Jimin's head were constantly there, haunting him in his sleep.

He seeked love even though he was sick.

Jimin's sister was sick too, they were all sick. Having their minds playing tricks with them. Living without a mother was hard for them.

But Jimin found love, it was too late. He died protecting Yoongi.

Yoongi.. well Yoongi is alive. He's hurt.

He doesn't know what to do anymore, he thinks about suicide everyday.. but he's strong. He will live because he knows that's what Jimin would want.

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Ahh the last 2 chapters were too much for meeeeee. Welll... goodbye friends.

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